Portfolio assessments allow students to compile work samples from both languages over time, providing a holistic view of their progress. This student-centered approach enables teachers to see individual growth, rather than just focusing on a single test score or comparison with peers.
Self-assessment encourages students to reflect on their learning journey. This process helps them become more aware of their strengths and the areas where they need improvement, promoting autonomy and deeper engagement with their bilingual learning experience.
Culturally relevant assessments reflect the students' backgrounds and experiences, making the content more relatable. This leads to more meaningful assessments that engage bilingual students and better reflect their knowledge, rather than testing them solely based on dominant cultural norms.
Peer-assessment encourages collaboration and communication among students. By giving and receiving constructive feedback, bilingual learners benefit from seeing different perspectives, which helps improve both their language skills and their understanding of academic content.
Holistic assessments take into account the full scope of a bilingual student's development. This includes not only language skills but also cultural competence, social interaction, and emotional well-being. This approach is aligned with student-centered education, where the whole student, not just their test performance, is considered.