FREE BCAT Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers


According to the passage, what did the Supreme Court emphasize in its ruling?

Correct! Wrong!

The passage states that the ruling emphasized the need for a balance between national security and individual privacy rights.

What can be inferred about the Supreme Court's view on national security?

Correct! Wrong!

The passage notes that while national security is paramount, it should not come at the expense of citizens' fundamental freedoms.

Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?

Correct! Wrong!

The passage presents the information in a factual and neutral manner without expressing strong emotions.

What does the passage suggest about future cases involving privacy and government overreach?

Correct! Wrong!

The passage indicates that the decision sets a precedent for future cases involving privacy and government overreach.

What was the primary issue addressed by the Supreme Court in the passage?

Correct! Wrong!

The passage specifically mentions the Supreme Court ruling on the government's surveillance practices and their constitutionality.