The Bible makes it quite apparent that there is only one God, who is present everywhere and at all times.
God is a triune being. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit make up the triune God. Although the trinity is not explicitly stated in any one passage, it is inferred from numerous verses.
In the Trinity, Jesus is the second person. In order to die on the cross, Jesus took on human form.
Jesus has two personalities. He combines the divine and human natures.
A person like the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit. He is not invisible or like a force or radar. He is more than just an energetic presence. Like the Father and the Son, he is the divine.
The Law contains God's revealed nature and will. Sin is an offense to God and a violation of His law.
To Save Us, Love Us, and Have Us Love Him: This perspective is prominent in many monotheistic religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It suggests that God created humans out of love and a desire to have a loving relationship with them. The purpose of human existence, from this viewpoint, is to seek a connection with God, follow His guidance, and attain salvation or eternal life through faith and righteous living.
Jesus died and was resurrected in the exact same body. It still bore His scars. Despite being raised from the dead and exalted, His physique remained the same.
Many people believe that hell doesn't exist or that it's only a state of thought that exists right now on earth. Yes, it does. We learn about it from the Bible.
Heaven is where God resides and where individuals who are redeemed through Jesus will spend eternity.
God forgave a person's sins through the atonement of Jesus in the act of salvation. He is righteous in God's eyes and freed from punishment.
An angel that reared himself up in arrogance and rebelled against God is known as the devil, sometimes known as Satan. He is cruel, evil, cunning, and strong.
God inspired the Bible through men. They felt motivated. The original documents were flawless and conflict-free.
It may seem strange. The rapture, however, occurs when Jesus returns to gather His followers. Those who are still living when this occurs won't experience death, but they will undergo change.
They were God's creations, inhabited Eden's Garden, and served as our ancestors.