BSJ Bachelor of Journalism

FREE Bachelor of Journalism: Media Impact on Society Questions and Answers


What does the term "digital divide" refer to?

Correct! Wrong!

Inequalities between groups in their access to media and information technology." The term "digital divide" refers to the gap or disparities between different groups in society in terms of their access to and usage of digital technologies and information resources. It highlights the uneven distribution of opportunities and resources related to technology and information, which can impact individuals and communities' ability to participate fully in the digital age.

How is the internet currently utilized?

Correct! Wrong!

The internet is currently utilized for various purposes, including sending and receiving e-mails (C) as well as engaging in instant messaging (B). These communication tools have become integral to modern-day communication and information exchange on the internet.

Can you explain the concept of catharsis in the context of media violence, where the shock effect of witnessing violence in the media motivates someone to take action against real-life violence?

Correct! Wrong!

The concept of catharsis in the context of media violence suggests that witnessing violence in the media does not necessarily lead to a reduction of aggressive tendencies or motivate individuals to take action against real-life violence. In fact, research has shown that the relationship between media violence and real-life aggression is complex, and the notion of catharsis is not well-supported by empirical evidence.

Choose the accurate meaning of the term "imitation."

Correct! Wrong!

Imitation refers to the act of observing and replicating the actions, behaviors, or mannerisms of another person. It is a common learning process where individuals acquire new skills, knowledge, and social behaviors by emulating the actions of those around them.

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon where individuals become desensitized to images of violence due to repeated exposure, to the point that they are no longer shocked by such content?

Correct! Wrong!

Desensitization is the term used to describe the phenomenon where individuals become less sensitive or emotionally responsive to images of violence as a result of repeated exposure to such content. This process can lead to a reduced emotional reaction to violent imagery, making individuals less likely to be shocked or disturbed by it over time.

What kind of values does the media promote?

Correct! Wrong!

A materialistic and consumerist society." The media often promotes values that emphasize material possessions, consumerism, and the pursuit of material wealth. This can influence individuals' attitudes and behaviors, encouraging a focus on material possessions and consumption as a measure of success and happiness.

In what ways does extensive media consumption affect individuals' perceptions of reality?

Correct! Wrong!

Extensive media consumption, particularly of sensational and negative news, can lead individuals to have an exaggerated perception of risks and dangers in the world. This phenomenon is often referred to as the "mean world syndrome," where heavy media consumers may perceive the world as more dangerous and threatening than it actually is due to the repetitive exposure to negative and fear-inducing content in the media.


What does the term 'media effects' refer to?

Correct! Wrong!

The term 'media effects' encompasses various ways in which media content and communication can impact individuals, such as shaping their attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, perceptions, and emotions. It reflects the understanding that media plays a significant role in shaping and influencing society and individuals' experiences.

Can you provide an illustration of the agenda-setting theory's influence on the media?

Correct! Wrong!

This scenario exemplifies the agenda-setting theory's influence on the media, where media outlets may selectively focus on specific aspects of an issue or present information from a particular perspective, thereby influencing the public's perception of the topic and setting the agenda for public discussions and debates. By choosing to highlight certain aspects and downplay others, the media can shape the public's understanding and prioritization of different topics and issues.

What were the effects on the political system when candidates started appearing on television in the 1970s?

Correct! Wrong!

When candidates started appearing on television in the 1970s, the visual medium allowed for a greater focus on a candidate's image, charisma, and presentation skills. As a result, voters started placing more importance on a candidate's personality traits and communication abilities, which could influence their electability, sometimes overshadowing the focus on policy positions.

What is the term used to describe any choice related to government affairs, structure, or politics?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "political decision." The term "political decision" refers to any choice or action that involves government affairs, structure, or politics. It implies making choices that impact governance, policies, and the political landscape.

Callie is going through her Facebook news feed. She notices that some of her friends are sharing articles from an organization called The Society for the Re-humanization of American Music. She goes to the group's website and finds that she agrees with what they say about putting soul and imagination back into modern music. Callie starts to back and promote what they are doing. Callie's political views have been shaped by (choose one).

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "Liking." Callie's political views have been influenced by the act of liking and supporting The Society for the Rehumanization of American Music, which she discovered through her friends' posts and her subsequent agreement with the organization's message. The act of liking their content on Facebook indicates her support for their cause and reflects her political attitude towards their efforts in advocating for a change in modern music.

Through which channels does global media disseminate its impact on social values?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "None of the above." Global media's impact on social values is spread through various channels, which may include TV, radio, and social media, but it is not limited to these options alone. It also encompasses other mediums like newspapers, magazines, websites, online forums, podcasts, and more. Global media utilizes a diverse range of platforms to disseminate its influence on social values, reflecting the ever-evolving landscape of media and communication in the modern world.

In what phenomenon is global media believed to have played a significant role in initiating, sustaining, or disseminating the message of human rights and democracy?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "The Arab Spring." Global media is believed to have played a significant role in initiating, sustaining, and disseminating the message of human rights and democracy during the Arab Spring. The Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy uprisings and movements that occurred across the Middle East and North Africa in the early 2010s, and during this time, social media and global media platforms played a crucial role in spreading information, mobilizing protesters, and promoting the ideals of human rights and democracy in the region.


In which location can the negative impact of global media on social values be observed, as evidenced by the widespread use of whitening creams to conform to a standard of beauty?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "Thailand." The widespread use of whitening creams in Thailand to conform to a standard of beauty is an example of the negative impact of global media on social values. In many parts of Asia, there is a prevailing beauty ideal that associates fair skin with attractiveness, and global media, including advertisements and beauty standards promoted by the entertainment industry, can reinforce and perpetuate this belief, leading to the popularity of skin-whitening products in the region.

Among various forms of mass media, which one provides the highest accessibility to information while being the least regulated?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "Digital/social media." Among various forms of mass media, digital and social media provide the highest accessibility to information, allowing people to access news and content from various sources quickly and easily. However, compared to traditional forms of media like print and broadcast media, digital and social media are generally less regulated, allowing for a wider range of content and perspectives to be disseminated, which can sometimes lead to challenges in verifying information and ensuring accuracy.