The goal of air traffic control is to transport aircraft through the airspace in a safe, effective, and timely manner. Air traffic control and traffic flow management are its two main tenets.
Separation assurance, which prevents collisions between aircraft and prevents aircraft from colliding with obstacles and the ground, is the main service offered by ATM.
Search and rescue, which involves alerting the proper groups about aircraft in need of assistance and supporting these organizations throughout the subsequent activities, is one of the main services provided by ATM.
The International Civil Aviation Organization, or IACO, which is a part of the United Nations and is based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, is in charge of standardizing air traffic management procedures around the world.
Operators flying under the VFR are in charge of preventing collisions with obstructions, terrain, and other aircraft by keeping visual separations between their aircraft and these dangers. Operators of VFR aircraft are not required to communicate with or follow instructions from ATM authorities.
VFR flights often include small aircraft used for either commercial or personal travel. The natural horizon as seen through the airplane's glass may serve as the only reference point for navigation and aircraft attitude control.
The crew must follow directions from ATM authorities when in controlled airspace, and these authorities are in charge of isolating the aircraft from all other IFR aircraft.
Below 10,000ft MSL, VFR operators are required to have visibility of at least one statute mile. In regulated or uncontrolled airspace, VFR pilots are not obligated to communicate with ATM.
Three digits are used to express pressure heights as flight levels on hundreds of feet. In light of this, FL540 denotes a pressure altitude of 54,000 feet.
According to the course deviation error signal produced by the navigation system, flight technical error is the lateral displacement error of the aircraft from the desired track.
Tau is the product of the other aircraft's range in relation to the current aircraft and the range rate. Time is effectively the amount of time that would pass before a collision when range is divided by range rate.
Tau's threshold, which might be 10 seconds or 100, depends on how well the aircraft can maneuver and avoid a collision.
A standard TCAS system has a 4 minute range before a collision. TCAS issues a traffic advisory 45 seconds before a collision and a resolution alert 25 seconds before the collision.
The transmitter must run at extremely high power levels and the antenna must have a gain of more than 25 dB since the signal strength of echoes from storms distant from the airplane is quite low.
The minimum safe approach distance to weather radar is roughly 4 feet when the radar system is operating with a power output greater than 5 kW.
Squitter, or the broadcast of a mode S reply at quasi-random intervals of around 1 sec, is a crucial transponder feature that supports TCAS.