FREE ASET Abstract Reasoning Question and Answers


Which one of the following big pieces can be combined with the three small pieces to make a square?

Correct! Wrong!

No right angles in the shapes are in positions that could be corners of the completed square, so it must be the case that the corners of the square are made by putting two of the 45-degree corners together.

If the friends end up with 41, 20 and 29 marbles respectively, which number does Alice roll?

Correct! Wrong!

The outcome of Alice’s roll can be worked out by considering any one of the three friends:
1. After the second roll Kai had 42 marbles. For him to finish with 41marbles, he must have given 1 marble to Alice as a result of Alice’s roll.
2. After the second roll Joe had 21 marbles. For him to finish with 20 marbles, he must have given 1 marble to Alice as a result of Alice’s roll.
3. After the second roll Alice had 27 marbles, so she must have received 2 marbles as a result of her roll (one from each of Kai and Joe).

The children Anita, Brian, Eric, Lee and Zara are all in one family.
Lee is 1 year younger than Eric.
Brian and Eric are twins.
Anita is 3 years older than Lee.
Brian is 8 years old.
Zara is older than Eric, but younger than Anita.

Only one of the folowing sentences is true. Which is it?

Correct! Wrong!

Brian is 8 years old, so Eric must also be 8 years old as they are twins.
Lee must be 7 years old as he is 1 year younger than Eric.
Anita must be 10 years old as she is 3 years older than Lee.

In the Junior Golf Championship, prizes are given out to the players who finish first, second, and third, and to anyone who gets a hole-in-one.
Which one of the following sentences shows the mistake Sam has made?

Correct! Wrong!

To calculate the number of players who will get prizes, Sam has added the three prizes for positions to the prize that will be given out for a hole-in-one. However, it may be that the player who has scored a hole-in-one finishes in the top three and so receives two of the prizes.

“Whoever stole the money must have had both an opportunity and a motive.”

If this is true, which one of these sentences must also be true?

Correct! Wrong!

If the person who stole the money must have had both an opportunity and a motive, then anyone who does not have either of those cannot be the person who stole the money.