FREE AQT Navigation Skills Questions and Answers


What does the term "DR" stand for in navigation, and how is it used?

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"DR" stands for Dead Reckoning, a method of navigation that involves calculating your current position based on your previous position, speed, time, and course. It is used when navigating without visual or electronic aids.

What is the primary purpose of a VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Range) station in navigation?

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VOR stations are used to provide aircraft with a reference for determining their position relative to a specific VOR station. This helps pilots in navigation by allowing them to track their bearing to or from the VOR station.

How do you calculate the true heading required to fly from your current position to a waypoint given a wind correction angle?

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To calculate the true heading, you adjust your true course by applying the wind correction angle. If the wind is coming from the left, you subtract the wind correction angle from your true heading to maintain your desired course.

When using a GPS for navigation, what is a "waypoint"?

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A waypoint is a designated geographic location with specific coordinates that is used to define a route or track in GPS navigation. Pilots use waypoints to follow a planned flight path or to navigate from one location to another.

What is the primary difference between True North and Magnetic North?

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True North refers to the direction towards the Earth's geographic North Pole, while Magnetic North refers to the direction indicated by the Earth's magnetic field. The difference between these two directions is known as magnetic variation or declination, which is important for accurate navigation.