FREE AQT Communication Skills Questions and Answers


If you need to report turbulence to ATC, what information should you include?

Correct! Wrong!

When reporting turbulence, it is important to include details about the severity (light, moderate, severe) and the duration. This helps ATC provide accurate information to other pilots and make appropriate adjustments to flight routes if necessary.

What should you do if you encounter a radio communication failure during flight?

Correct! Wrong!

In the event of a radio communication failure, you should squawk 7600 on the transponder to alert ATC of the issue. You should then continue flying according to standard procedures for lost communications, which typically involves following your filed flight plan or the last ATC instructions.

When making a radio call to Air Traffic Control (ATC), which phrase should you use to ensure clarity and professionalism?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct phraseology includes the aircraft call sign, the request being made, and the use of “over” to indicate the end of the transmission. This format is clear and professional, ensuring that the ATC knows who is calling and what is being requested.

What is the correct procedure if you need to request a frequency change from ATC?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct procedure is to inform ATC of the frequency change before switching to the new frequency. This allows ATC to acknowledge your request and provide any necessary instructions or updates.

How should you handle a situation where you receive an unclear or garbled radio transmission from ATC?

Correct! Wrong!

If you receive an unclear or garbled transmission, you should request ATC to repeat the message. Clear communication is crucial for safe operations, and ensuring that you fully understand ATC instructions is essential for flight safety.