The preoperative assessment aims to evaluate the patient’s physical, emotional, and psychological readiness for surgery. This includes identifying potential risks, ensuring informed consent, and preparing the patient for the surgical procedure.
Verifying the patient’s identity and surgical site is crucial for preventing wrong-patient or wrong-site surgeries. This is a core step in patient safety protocols, including the use of the World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist.
Monitoring the patient’s vital signs and condition during surgery ensures that any changes are detected and addressed promptly. This role is critical for patient safety and preventing intraoperative complications.
Monitoring for signs of infection and addressing them early helps prevent complications such as sepsis or wound infection, which are common postoperative concerns. This is a critical component of postoperative nursing care.
Proper patient positioning is essential to avoid pressure injuries, nerve damage, and compromised circulation during prolonged surgeries. It also ensures the patient’s safety while maintaining access to the surgical site.