Ansible is an open-source program that offers task automation, application deployment automation, and configuration management automation. Automating tedious operations makes IT infrastructure administration simpler.
Python is used to create Ansible. Python is a well-liked option for automation tools since it is a high-level programming language that is simple to read and write.
The configuration and deployment processes necessary to automate the process are specified in an Ansible playbook. A list of tasks that must be carried out on the target host is contained in a YAML file.
Ansible modules carry out particular tasks, such as managing packages, configuring services, or copying files. Playbooks can utilize many of the built-in modules that Ansible has to offer.
Ansible uses SSH to communicate with the target hosts. SSH is a safe protocol that offers authentication and encryption.
The list of target hosts that Ansible will manage is included in an inventory file. It is a straightforward text file that can be organized in several ways.
The Ansible inventory file's default location is /etc/ansible/hosts. By altering the inventory variable in the ansible.cfg configuration file, this can be done.