Nursing Professional Development Exam

FREE ANA-NPD Questions and Answers


When a project's schedule performance index is 93% and its cost performance index is 105%, it is said to be:

Correct! Wrong!

A project is behind schedule and under budget if its schedule performance index is 93% and its cost
performance index is 105%.

The best course of action when an NPD practitioner is requested to oversee a project outside of their area of expertise is to:

Correct! Wrong!

The ideal option is to hire consultants if the NPD practitioner is requested to oversee a project that is outside
of their area of competence.

The American Nurses Association (ANA) lists three essential components of a healthy work environment: empowerment, fulfillment, and?

Correct! Wrong!

Safety includes bodily safety, freedom from bullying, aggression, and physical and emotional abuse, as well
as environmental safety (fire escapes, clean air, and enough lighting and heating).

Which circumstance is most conducive to the employment of scripting as a communication tool?

Correct! Wrong!

Giving a patient discharge instructions is the scenario that lends itself to the use of scripting to improve

Sensitive information must first be protected by:

Correct! Wrong!

Identifying the sensitive information that has to be safeguarded is the first step in securing it, followed by
determining where and how the data are stored as well as the sorts of safeguards that are already in place.

The largest obstacle to remote learning is typically:

Correct! Wrong!

The largest difficulty with remote learning is often keeping the desire to learn.

The NPD professional intends to hold a focus group and is aware that focus groups typically consist of:

Correct! Wrong!

focus groups normally have 8-12 individuals. A smaller number may lack adequate diversity, whereas a larger
number make it too difficult for the group members to stay focused.