In isometric exercise and contraction, the muscle length does not change, but the tension does. In an isotonic exercise, the muscle length changes, but the tension does not. A concentric contraction is the shortening of the muscle fiber, whereas an eccentric contraction is the lengthening of a muscle fiber.
Muscle tenderness arising from trigger points is the correct answer. It can be caused by overuse, injury, or other stimulus which creates trigger points and referred pain.
While pain can happen in facial muscles, MPS does not refer to the face in any way. Bone spurs can be painful as they are extra bony growths on the edges of bones. Reflux disease or GERD can present as a burning sensation in the chest usually after eating or while lying down or inverting.
Massaging proximal to the sprain will encourage more efficient healing and any residual swelling to be handled by the lymphatic system. Answer option A is incorrect, as it is fine to massage the limb. Answer option D would likely irritate or re-inflame the injury and B may encourage swelling below and around the injury.
This is a situation of transference, where a client displaces feelings he or she has from someone from their past onto the therapist. A dual relationship describes a scenario where the massage therapist and that client have a relationship outside the context of the therapeutic relationship which may mar or confuse the professional boundaries. Countertransference is the opposite of transference, where the massage therapist transfers feelings from their past to the client.
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A massage therapist's drape serves the purpose of maintaining professional boundaries to help the client feel comfortable and safe. While draping may serve to keep the client warm, this is not its primary purpose. Draping's main purpose is not to help protect the therapist.
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In a manual resistance ROM assessment, a massage therapist applies light resistance to a client's movement. Passive ROM describes when the therapist moves the client's arm for them. In active ROM, the client moves her arm with no assistance from the therapist. Finally, during, active assisted ROM, the therapist helps the client move their arm through their full ROM.
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Hyperkyphosis is present when the thoracic spine has an excessive forward curve. A person with hyperkyphosis will have rounded shoulders with the head and neck forward of the trunk. Answer option A describes lordosis. A flat back means the back has little to no natural curve of the spine and scoliosis creates more of a lateral 'S' shape of the spine.
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Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone tissues and marrow caused by staph or strep resulting from a compromised bone from injury or surgery. Massage is contraindicated and a doctor's clearance cannot be given for massage while the infection is still present. For the other answer options, a doctor's clearance for massage is required. However, deep or high-pressure massage would be contraindicated even with a doctor's clearance. Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a defective development of connective tissue where the bones become fragile. Osteopenia is lowered bone density and is often the precursor to Osteoporosis, which is a loss of bone tissue causing fragile or porous bones.
Lumbar is incorrect because the lumbar plexus innervates the legs, genitals, and parts of the abdomen.
Sacral is incorrect because the sacral plexus innervates the glutes, perineum, and parts of the legs. Cervical is incorrect because the cervical plexus innervates the skin and muscles of the head and neck, cranial nerves, and diaphragm.
Temporary muscle weakness is the correct answer. It is usually a weakness triggered by the sudden expression of emotion like laughter.
Brittle bones may be just that, osteogenesis imperfecta, or could refer to osteoporosis or osteopenia. Momentary fits of rage may be due to depression, intermittent explosive disorder, or just uncontrolled anger. Sleepwalking can be called somnambulism and describes activity or walking during sleep.
Inversion is the correct answer, as the sole would have to reverse its normal position to move toward the midline.
Angular movement is any movement that changes the angle of the bones at the joint. Rotation is a pivotal movement, revolving around a single axis. Abduction is a movement away from the midline.