FREE ADAPT Preventative Strategies Questions and Answers


Which of the following is an effective strategy for avoiding peer pressure to use alcohol or drugs?

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Making an excuse to leave or confidently explaining why you do not want to use alcohol or drugs are effective ways to avoid peer pressure. Staying in the situation can increase the likelihood of continued pressure, and using "just a little bit" is not a responsible choice.

What is one way to help a friend who may be struggling with drug or alcohol abuse?

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Encouraging your friend to seek professional help, such as a counselor or a support group, is the most supportive and responsible action. Ignoring their problem or participating in the behavior will not help, and avoiding the conversation may delay them getting the help they need.

What is a healthy alternative to engaging in substance use at social gatherings?

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Engaging in fun, substance-free activities like sports or movie nights and participating in community events that do not involve alcohol or drugs are great alternatives. Avoiding social gatherings altogether may isolate you and isn’t necessary if healthy alternatives are chosen.

What is the most effective way to prevent impaired driving?

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Using a ride-sharing service, public transportation, or having a designated driver are the safest options for preventing impaired driving. Drinking coffee or driving slowly does not eliminate the effects of alcohol, and even a small amount of alcohol can impair driving.

How can teens effectively avoid the temptation of drugs and alcohol at parties?

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Leaving immediately, going with a sober friend, and making a pact with friends are all effective strategies to avoid the temptation of drugs and alcohol. Staying at the party may increase the likelihood of peer pressure or temptation to participate in substance use.