The cost of dental assisting programs typically falls between $5,000 and $15,000, though it can vary depending on the type of program (online, hybrid, traditional), location, and whether it’s a public or private institution.
Scholarships and grants are commonly offered to dental assisting students through schools, professional organizations, or external agencies. These do not require repayment, making them an ideal source of financial aid.
Employer-sponsored training programs often cover the cost of tuition or provide financial support for dental assisting programs. This is beneficial for employees who wish to gain certification without incurring out-of-pocket expenses.
The FAFSA allows students to access a variety of federal financial aid options, including grants (which do not need to be repaid), loans (which may need to be repaid with interest), and work-study programs to help cover education costs.
Private institutions typically charge higher tuition fees compared to public community colleges or online programs. This could lead to a higher overall cost for the dental assisting program.