The primary goal of healthcare facility design is to improve patient comfort and safety. A well-designed environment enhances care delivery, reduces errors, and improves the overall experience for both patients and healthcare professionals.
Please select 2 correct answers
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance refers to regulations that ensure the privacy, confidentiality, and security of patients' health information. Compliance is mandatory for healthcare providers to protect patient rights.
An infection control program is implemented to prevent and control infections that patients may acquire during healthcare treatment. Effective infection control helps ensure patient safety and reduces the spread of harmful pathogens.
OSHA regulations require healthcare organizations to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. This includes implementing measures to prevent workplace injuries, exposure to hazardous materials, and ensuring proper ergonomics.
The Joint Commission accreditation is a mark of quality and safety for healthcare organizations. It ensures that hospitals and other healthcare facilities meet rigorous standards in patient care, safety, and operational processes.