Security guards must prioritize their own safety to remain effective in assisting others and responding appropriately. Acting recklessly could lead to personal harm and reduce the ability to handle the situation.
The primary response to a fire is to ensure the safety of individuals by evacuating them and promptly notifying emergency services. Attempting to fight the fire may be dangerous unless specifically trained to do so.
Security guards should assist within the scope of their training, such as providing first aid or CPR. They must also call for professional medical assistance without delay.
During an active shooter event, the best initial response is to seek safety by locking or barricading yourself and others in a secure area. Avoid confrontation unless absolutely necessary for survival.
The security guard's role is to ensure the safety of people by securing the area to prevent access and contacting professionals trained to handle hazardous materials. Attempting to clean the spill without proper training is dangerous.
A comprehensive emergency response plan includes clear contact lists, communication protocols, evacuation procedures, and assembly points to ensure effective and organized responses during emergencies.