Latitude and longitude define position in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Lines of longitude are vertical lines and measure east or west of the 0° (Greenwich) meridian. Lines of latitude are horizontal lines, and measure north or south of the equator. To determine the approximate latitude and longitude of Currituck County Airport, draw a vertical line through the center of the airport symbol parallel to the nearest line of longitude. Then draw a horizontal line through the center of the airport parallel to the nearest line of latitude (or perpendicular to the vertical line you just drew). Note that the lines of latitude at the bottom and top of the page are numbered 36° and 37°. The unnumbered line of latitude in the center of the page therefore is 36°30' North latitude. However, the horizontal line you drew intersects the vertical line of longitude 6 tick-marks below the 36°30' line of latitude, which makes the latitude of Currituck County Airport approximately 36°24'N (each tick-mark is one minute). To measure the longitude, note that the vertical line you drew intersects the 36°30' line of latitude one tick-mark west of the 76° line of longitude, for an approximate longitude of 76°01'W. Answer B is incorrect because this position is well north of Currituck. Answer C is incorrect because this position is off the chart.