First determine your estimated time of arrival at your destination, which in this case is First Flight Airport. In the five minutes between 1456 and 1501, you flew from Hampton Roads Airport to Chesapeake Regional. If you measure that number of miles, by knowing the time and distance you can find your groundspeed. Use the edge of a piece of paper, make marks at the centers of the airports and measure the distance between your marks on the nautical mile scale at the top of the figure. You should get 9 nautical miles. Using the same method, measure the remaining number of miles from Chesapeake Regional to First Flight Airport, and you should get 50 nautical miles. Now use the computer to find how fast you are going. Put 9 miles on the outer scale of your computer next to 5 minutes on the inner scale. (You don't have 5 on the inner scale so use 50 instead.) Look next to the 60-minute arrow on the inner scale and read on the outer scale your groundspeed. You should get 108 nautical miles per hour (or 108 knots). To find out how long it will take you to fly the remaining 50 miles, run your finger around the outer scale until you get to 50 miles and look on the inner scale to see how many minutes the trip will take. You should get 28 minutes. You were at Chesapeake Regional at 1501 and its 28 more minutes to your estimated time of arrival at First Flight Airport, or 1529. Answers A and B are incorrect and could be obtained by incorrect measurement of the distances between airports or inaccuracies in the use of the flight computer.