In Express.js, the function(req,res,next) is a middleware.
A client API for the node is required to use Mongo with Express.
Cookie-parser is a middleware that reads cookies from the client request object. To use it, we'll need to include it in our index.js file; it may be used similarly to other middleware.
URL segments, also known as route parameters, are used to record the data supplied at their place in the URL. The req is filled with the captured values. The name of the route parameter supplied in the path is the key of the params object.
Scaffolding is the process of constructing the application's skeleton structure. It enables users to construct their own public directories, routes, and views, among other things. After the app's structure has been established, the user can begin developing it.
The command npm —version or npm -v from your terminal is the quickest way to see what version of npm is installed on your machine. This npm — version command also displays additional information on the npm version, as well as the node version, v8 version, OpenSSL version, and many other packages.
Jade was Pug's previous name. It's a succinct programming language for creating HTML templates.
Interpolation is a method of utilizing values.
The PUT method asks the server to accept the data in the request to change an existing object identified by the URI. If it doesn't already exist, the PUT method adds it.