All synthetic oils are hydroscopic (readily absorbs moisture) but not mineral oils.
Virgin refrigerant
Disposable cylinders are used for virgin refrigerant & reclaimed refrigerants only.
when mixed with compressor oil or some refrigerants, it could explode.
Never use oxygen or compressed air to pressurize a system because when mixed with compressor oil or some refrigerants, it could explode.
recovery and recycling.
After 1995 supplies of CFC refrigerants used to service existing refrigeration appliances in the United States can only from recovery and recycling.
ester oil.
The tupe of oil that is most commonly used in stationary refrigeration application with HFC-134a refrigerant is ester oil.
they may cause heart irregularities and/or unconsciousness.
Refrigerant vapors or mist should not be inhaled because they may cause heart irregularities and/or unconsciousness.
HCFCs comes under Class II refrigerants with ODP less than 0.2
final person in the disposal chain.
Under the SPAs "safe disposal requirement", the person responsible for making sure that the refrigerant has been removed from household refrigerators before they are disposed of is the final person in the disposal chain.
Anyone in the disposal chain can remove the refrigerant, however last person in the disposal chain (scrap metal or landfill operator) must ensure that all the refrigeration is removed and proper records are maintained.
Hydrocarbon (HC) R-600a is an approved refrigerant for new household refrigerators, freezers, and combination refrigeration/freezers. (Page 16 ESCO EPA 9TH V2 Edition Prep Manual)
All of the Above
Refrigerants should not be mixed in a recovery tank. A reclamation facility can execute any of the options listed above.
HFCs do not contain Chlorine they do have a very high Global Warming Potential, or GWP. GWP is a measurement that is used to measure the impact a Greenhouse Gas has on the climate and environment.
80 percent
If it is filled beyond 80% during increase in temperature the refrigerant expands results in increase in pressure inside the cylinder which can lead to bursting of cylinder
CFCs has highest Ozone Depletion Potential because of the presence of chlorine element which reacts with ozone at stratosphere
Suction Line
The suction line connects the evaporator to the compressor in a refrigerant system.
Nitrogen gas
Nitrogen is colorless, odourless, non inflammable and readily available (economical) gas. It may not cause any acidic formation when reacts with oxygen or moisture which can result in corrosion. CO2 in presence of moisture forms carbonic acid