You can connect external content to the network using the network name with the command $ docker network connect network name> container name>. To see the containers having network access, simply run the command.
RUN — Specify commands to modify your Image and, as a result, the Containers created from it. This includes things like updating packages, installing software, adding users, setting up a database, and so on. These are the commands you'd use to install and configure your program from the command line.
A Docker Container is a contained, standardized environment for running applications. The Docker API or CLI are used to manage containers. A Docker image is a container-building template that is read-only.
Union file systems are used by Docker to supply the building blocks for containers. AUFS, btrfs, vfs, and DeviceMapper are all union file system types that Docker can use.
A Docker Swarm is a collection of physical or virtual machines that have been configured to join together in a cluster and run the Docker application. You can still run the Docker commands you're used to once a set of machines has been clustered together, but they'll be handled by the machines in your cluster.
A Docker registry is a storage and distribution system for Docker images with particular names. Several copies of the same image may exist, each with its own set of tags. A Docker registry is divided into Docker repositories, each of which keeps track of all image changes.
The Docker daemon (dockerd) manages Docker objects such as images, containers, networks, and volumes by listening for Docker API requests. To manage Docker services, a daemon can communicate with other daemons.
ENV is a container that will run in the future. For creating your Docker image, use ARG. The fundamental purpose of ENV is to offer default values for future environment variables. Environment variables can be accessed by running dockerized programs. It's an excellent approach to give your project configuration values.
Dockerfiles Command ADD - Defines files to copy from the Host file system onto the Container