When a driver follows the correct path for their lane, arrows point them in the right direction. If there is an arrow pointing to the left or right, the lane is reserved for drivers who will be making a turn. An arrow with two heads indicates a lane shared by traffic that may travel in either direction. Each of these heads points in a different direction.
If one of your tires blows out, the most important thing you can do is avoid slamming on your brakes. Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel and allow the vehicle to stop in a controlled manner. Making your way to a secure location will prevent the vehicle from spinning out of control.
The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the amount of ethanol measured in grams found in 100 milliliters of blood or 210 liters of breath. Tests on blood, urine, or breath can all be used to determine a person's BAC.
The police advise drivers to treat intersections with malfunctioning traffic lights as four-way stops whenever possible—requiring a complete stop from all vehicles, regardless of whether or not the turn signal is activated, before any turns are made. And if you arrive at the intersection at the same time as the other drivers, you'll be in the same position. Yield to the person driving on your right.
The blood alcohol content is determined by factors such as the number of drinks consumed and the individual's gender (women have a higher blood alcohol level than men for the same amount of alcohol consumed when their body weights are comparable), and their body weight.
Only people who have disabilities are allowed to occupy the spaces that have been designated as being for people with disabilities. Drivers who do not have a disability are not permitted to park, stop, or stand in the space.
The most common cause of hydroplaning in wet conditions is traveling at an excessive speed. Driving in inclement weather requires keeping your speed down from what would usually be considered comfortable.
When merging onto a freeway, which typically has traffic moving at higher rates of speed, you should gradually increase your speed while you are on the ramp leading onto the freeway. When you get on the freeway, you should be traveling at speed roughly equivalent to that of the other drivers.
Drivers are reminded to come to a complete stop by a flashing red light. After having stopped, you are free to continue.
When driving in bad weather, only go as fast as it's safe to
You can only tell if another car is in your blind spot when you wish to change lanes by turning and looking over your shoulder.
You should speed up to keep up with traffic when using an on-ramp to enter a highway, then merge when it's safe to do so.
It's usually preferable to turn and glance both ways before lightly depressing the gas pedal when backing out of a parking place.
Parking is never permitted within three feet of a fire hydrant.
Two solid yellow lines can only be crossed while making a left turn at a junction.
larger blind areas than the majority of passenger vehicles are large trucks.