You are not permitted to cross the double unbroken dividing lines to overtake unless you are overtaking a cyclist.
Because straight-through traffic has a red light, it must come to a halt. If it is safe to do so, traffic turning left can proceed.
A red light must not be crossed.
You are permitted to enter the median strip, but keep in mind that the other vehicle must be able to finish its maneuver.
You can continue through the lights if stopping is unsafe and you can make it past the intersection before the lights turn red.
If you don't notice their indications, large, long vehicles may unexpectedly turn across your path.
The sign designates a safe stopping area. Furthermore, some automated lights feature a sensor for vehicles waiting at a red light, allowing them to know when to turn the lights green again after a particular amount of time has passed. Stopping this sensor ahead may result in the light not changing to green.
Wait for vehicle B to finish its overtaking maneuver.
Other drivers can pass to your left if you park your automobile on the right.
As there is less contact between your tyres and the road when driving on wet, slippery roads, the stopping distance may lengthen.
When you are more confident in your driving abilities, you might begin to drive in heavier traffic or on unfamiliar streets.
If your license has been revoked or suspended, you are not permitted to drive.
Look over your shoulder for any vehicles that might be in your blind spot before stepping away from the kerb and into the road. To let other drivers know that you want to enter traffic, don't forget to signal with your indicators beforehand.
Driving on uneven or shifting terrain results in significantly less grip. To keep the car under control, slow down.
A red arrow prohibits turning in that direction. Hold off until the arrow turns green.
Red-light speed cameras track down speeders as well as those who run red lights.
Using point-to-point cameras, the average speed between two points is calculated.
In order to promote slower speeds, fixed position and mobile cameras are utilized in high-risk areas.
The route numbering system helps Australian drivers find their way across the country's highways.
Before getting out of your car, check your mirrors and your blind area for oncoming vehicles. Given that they frequently ride close to the edge of the road, cyclists are particularly susceptible to open car doors.
Your indicators must always be used whenever you make a turn.
In addition to turning, using your indicators is required while changing lanes, passing, going left or right from a stop, etc.