When turning or changing lanes, you must always signal.
If it is safe to do so, you may cross a double unbroken dividing line to enter a driveway or property.
You cannot make a u-turn at a traffic light unless it is approved since it may endanger or block other motorists.
Unless doing so would result in an accident, you must stop at a yellow amber light.
Unless you're overtaking or preparing to turn right, you should always utilize the left lane.
You may turn left once you've determined that it's safe to do so.
You can travel in a transit lane (T2 or T3) with fewer passengers than required for 100 meters before turning into an intersection or driveway.
You must come to a complete stop and wait until the lights turn green.
Unless you're driving a cab or a rental automobile, you must never stop in a bus lane.
When a traffic signal is out, drive slowly as if there are "STOP" signs in every direction controlling the intersection.
Any car, bicycle, or pedestrian currently in the intersection should be given the right of way. The vehicles that entered the intersection before the light turned green have the right-of-way over you, even though the green signal undoubtedly signifies go.
Highway and expressway guidance signs have white text on green backgrounds. The majority of expressway and highway signs are placed similarly. For instance, a typical pattern is for one advance indication to be followed by another. The exit then displays the third sign. Highways with high speeds and dense traffic can make it difficult for drivers to see a single sign, hence multiple signs are required.
YIELD. Give vehicles that are crossing your path the right-of-way by moving slowly. If it's safe to proceed, you can do so slowly and without pausing. Where auxiliary roads merge onto major roadways, yield signs are typically put.
DO NOT ENTER. The sign forbids automobiles from joining a one-way roadway where traffic is traveling in the opposite direction and is typically posted at the beginning of one-way streets and ramps. Typically, a "WRONG WAY" sign is put alongside a "DO NOT ENTER" traffic sign.
Some vehicles are not built to maintain the speed of moving traffic. Road maintenance vehicles, farm tractors, and animal-drawn carts typically go at 25 mph or less. Vehicles driving slowly have an orange/red triangle on the back.
The lane below a highway sign that has a yellow panel with the words "EXIT ONLY" on it will not proceed through the interchange. The lane will diverge from the road to create a ramp instead. Change lanes if you do not want to quit the lane marked "EXIT ONLY," otherwise you will be obliged to do so.
Guide signs, often called destination signs, have white text on green backgrounds. Along the route, guide signs identify sites of interest, alert you about intersecting roads, and assist in guiding you to cities and villages.
THERE IS TRAFFIC AHEAD. There are traffic lights at the upcoming intersection. Do not rush; the signal might not be apparent right away.
A yellow traffic signal indicates "CAUTION." The red signal will soon be seen. If it's safe to do so, stop when you see the yellow signal. If stopping is unsafe, proceed with caution when crossing the intersection.
A green arrow that is pointing right or left indicates that you are permitted to turn in that direction. You must be in the correct lane for such a turn if the red light is also on, and you must give way to any cars or pedestrians clearing the intersection.