Because there may be minors present, the speed limit is 40 km/h.
The lower speed zone is in place to ensure the safety of any road workers, as well as because higher speeds may cause road conditions to become slick or dangerous to your car.
If you're driving within legal boundaries, you're in charge, and it's not up to your passengers to tell you how to drive.
You are not permitted to violate the posted speed limit.
Rain can make the road slicker, and it can limit vision. It is safer to drive at a speed that is more appropriate for the conditions.
The correct answer:
Not exceed 40 km/h and keep a special lookout for bicycle riders, pedestrians and children.
When your speed doubles from 20 to 40 mph, your stopping distance and power of collision increase by a factor of four. From 20 to 60, tripling your speed results in a 9-fold increase in braking distance and impact. From 20 to 80 mph, quadruple your speed, and your braking distance and impact are 16 times greater.
There is only one car to pass and no oncoming traffic, so you won't need to go very fast. Passing while going over the speed limit is prohibited. Passing several vehicles at once is risky.
All of the above. Wait until you can see the front tires of the car you passed in your rearview mirror before switching back to the right lane. Before approaching any vehicle approaching from the other way within 200 feet, you must go back to the right side of the road.What should you do if a vehicle starts to pass you?
Avoid accelerating and moving to the right of your lane. Giving passing drivers more room and a better view of the road ahead, move to the right side of your lane.
No, passing is not permitted within 100 feet of an intersection. Because you can't see them, they might be slowing down for cyclists, pedestrians, or other vehicles, which is extremely dangerous.
Do not go within 100 feet of a railroad crossing, viaduct, tunnel, bridge, or intersection.
Florida law prohibits passing on the right shoulder. Never leave the road to pass another vehicle. If the road has more than one lane and you are passing in the right lane, only do so (not the shoulder.)
On a single broken white line, passing is permitted. When it is safe to do so, you can cross this line to switch lanes.
If the road is clear for 500 feet or more on a slope or curve, you can pass.
If you need to, gradually slow down to make room for them.
Continue driving. If you are traveling in the opposite direction of the school bus and the roadway is split by a raised barrier or an unpaved median that is at least five feet wide, you do not need to stop.
Only if you're traveling in the same direction as the school bus should you stop.
No, those entering a roundabout must make way for those who are already inside. Enter the roundabout if there are no vehicles there. While at a roundabout, do not stop or make any changes. Use your turn signal to let other drivers know when you are ready to leave the roundabout.
For violating the speed limit, you risk receiving a large fine, losing your license, and racking up demerit points.
On this route, you'll be driving alongside other cars and pedestrians. There is a 10 km/h speed limit.