Even if a train has passed, there may be another train on its way. Always wait for the boom gates to rise and the lights to stop flashing.
When performing a left turn you will begin in the left lane and end your manoeuvre in the left lane, too.
Vehicle J must give way.
The car is in a lane marked left turn or straight on only.
If you cannot cross the intersection then you risk holding up traffic from other directions.
Right turns must only be made from the right hand lane, or any other lane with a right-pointing arrow.
Traffic controllers' signals override that of signs and lights at intersections.
Traffic may appear so you need to be ready to stop if necessary.
You always use the left lane to turn left.
You must always use your indicator when making a manoeuvre, even if there are arrows on the road or no other vehicles present.
You should first stop as close to the intersection as possible.
You always use the left lane to turn left.
Vehicle O is in the best position.
Pedestrians have the right of way if there's a danger of a collision.
Ensure there is enough room for you to cross the intersection without having to stop and blocking it.
If a pedestrian is already in the road you must give way.
Position your car on the right so that other vehicles can pass to your left.
If both cars are turning right they can pass in front of one another at the same time.
If the car is leaving the roundabout it will pass across the path of the motorbike.
The car must be in the right hand lane to turn right.
If the lanes are marked so that you can go straight ahead from either, then you can, as long as you stay in the same lane as when you entered the roundabout. Don't signal right if you are going straight ahead.
Pedestrians have the right of way while they are crossing.
If the lanes are marked so that you can go straight ahead from either, then you can, as long as you stay in the same lane as when you entered the roundabout. Signal left once you've passed the exit before the one you are taking.
Red light cameras are triggered by vehicles entering the intersection after the lights turn red.