The names function is used to correlate a name with a vector value.
Because a larger proportion of the ink used in the table is used to transmit the information when the grid lines are removed, the data-ink ratio rises (the actual numbers). Similarly, removing the chart's extraneous horizontal lines improves the data-ink ratio.
par() is a function that can be used to query and edit graphical settings
A scatter plot matrix is a grid (or matrix) of scatter plots that can be used to depict bivariate correlations between variables. Each scatter plot in the matrix depicts the relationship between two variables, allowing for the exploration of multiple interactions in a single graph.
Another tool for testing normality is qqnorm.
Both the Bar and Column charts use rectangular bars to represent data, with the length of the bar proportional to the data value. Both graphs show a comparison of two or more values. However, there is a distinction in their orientation. A bar chart is horizontally oriented, whereas a column chart is vertically oriented.
The factor congruence coefficients are found using factor.congruence.
A data visualization dashboard is an interactive dashboard that allows you to track key metrics across many marketing channels, visualize the data, and generate reports for your clients that detail all of your efforts.
It is a misleading statement that data visualization reduces insights and leads to better decisions.