The correct answer:
Creating a hash based on a cryptographic public key and various meta data
When discussing blockchain technology, the word hashing or (hash) is commonly used. Hashing is the process of transforming and generating any length of input data into a fixed-length string using a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin hash algorithm is SHA-256, which stands for Secure Hashing Algorithm 256 bits. Because the original data cannot be decrypted, this approach is a one-way cryptographic function.
Blocks of data entries and transactions are chained together and kept in an immutable format, allowing authorized network users to view and add information while preventing changes to existing records. Data integrity and participant authentication are ensured by sophisticated cryptography and key management.
The goal of end-to-end encryption is to prevent data from being read or secretly manipulated by anybody other than the sender and recipient (s). The sender encrypts the messages, but the third party has no way of decrypting them and stores them encrypted. The encrypted data is retrieved and decrypted by the recipient.
The correct answer:
Transactions are not verified by the entire network in a blockless environment
A cryptographic hash function (CHF) is a mathematical procedure that converts data of any size (commonly referred to as the "message") into a fixed-size bit array (the "hash value", "hash", or "message digest"). It's a one-way function, which means it's almost impossible to invert.
The mining difficulty of Ethereum is a metric that indicates how tough it is to mine blocks on the Ethereum blockchain. Processing Ethereum transactions necessitates the mining of blocks. The number of active miners on the network determines the mining difficulty.
An interface is a file with the extension.cci (Chaincode Interface) that defines a language-independent definition for the different RPC-like functions that a chaincode instance supports. At any given time, a chaincode instance may support a variety of different interfaces.
Docker is a container platform that allows the construction, transportation, and deployment of small, self-contained software components, similar to the containers used on container ships. These elements can then be merged to form a SaaS (software as a service), a web or mobile application (app), or a distributed blockchain application (dApp).