Whether or not a resident seems confused, verbal abuse is inappropriate and must be reported. It is a form of emotional abuse that can be as harmful as physical abuse. It includes yelling, criticism, blaming, insulting, belittling, or threatening. Confused clients can perceive emotional abuse, even if they are unable to respond. All abuse must be immediately reported.
Absolutely no medical information can be shared with others without the client's consent. This can even include the client's family, if the client wishes. Remember that client information can only be shared with health care workers. Be aware that If information is overheard by anyone other than the health care workers involved in the client's direct care, a breach of privacy has occurred.
Reporting suspected abuse is the mandated responsibility of every health care professional. If it continues after reporting, or no investigation has taken place, another report must be filed. Every state has a hot-line to report suspected or known abuse.
The very first thing to do after making a mistake is to admit that it happened. All health care professionals make mistakes. Common errors happen when the patient's ID is not checked before giving a meal tray, giving care, or passing medications. Never disregard a mistake. Immediately tell a nurse. If asked to complete an Incident Report, provide all details.
Aiding and abetting is a legal term that means you have knowledge of a crime, even if you weren't present. If you do not report it, you are considered to be an accomplice, or that you assisted. Always immediately report any type of abuse, neglect, or malpractice to your supervisor.
An incident report is completed to give all the details of an unusual event, such as a patient fall or a staff injury. The investigation following an incident report is not meant to blame anyone, but to find if there is anything that should be changed to prevent future episodes. Incident reports are also studied to detect patterns that are unsafe.
Abuse can take several forms, including financial. Elderly and ill people are vulnerable to being exploited by those they rely on. As with other forms of abuse, family members and others who care for the resident are most often responsible. Financial abuse includes taking property or money, forging a signature, changing a will or a deed, and falsely promising care in exchange for property or money. All forms of abuse are illegal and should be reported.
Home health care requires ongoing communication among all team members. Each person may provide specialized care, but with accurate charting and coordination with the case manager and each other, the client receives excellent care. For example, if the CNA knows that the speech therapist is coming at 10 am, the CNA makes sure the client is ready for the session, not taking a shower.
HIPAA privacy laws strictly protect a client's medical information. Only those who need the information to give care can have access. Discussing the client with your supervisor is acceptable. HIPAA also gives patients the right to restrict who can have access to their health information, even with family members. It is illegal to discuss clients with anyone not involved in client care.
It is required to report any abuse or suspicion of abuse. Every healthcare facility has a process in place for dealing with client care issues. Inform the charge nurse if a coworker is involved in an incident. A nurse assistant can speak immediately to the nursing or administrative supervisor if they see the charge nurse acting in a way that could endanger or neglect a resident.
Any new or unusual findings must be reported to the nurse by the CNA. Use use objective language when documenting or recording your observation, such as "a reddish region on the upper back, approximately two inches square." Never say, "Probably caused by the lethargic night shift, a massive bruise on the back."
Before starting client care, all healthcare workers must complete HIPAA regulations training. Every level of customer privacy protection falls under the purview of facilities. Each employee's HIPAA training records must be on file at every location.
Every healthcare facility has a process in place for dealing with client care issues. The matter advances to the next level of authority if it cannot be resolved. For instance, a nurse assistant should alert the charge nurse if they see something that might be unsafe or neglectful. Before notifying the nursing or administrative supervisor, the charge nurse will make an effort to remedy the problem. The Chief Medical Officer and the Hospital Administrator are at the top of the food chain. The authority and obligation to address the matter increase with each level.
Making personal calls while at work diverts your attention from your duties. Other people are likewise distracted by it. There are rules for utilizing phones at work, including personal cell phones, in each facility.
If you are in a serious medical condition or are unable to communicate for yourself, advanced directives specify the type of medical care you desire for yourself. An advanced directive is permissible for anyone older than 18. It is a binding legal agreement once it is signed and cannot be changed. A living will is a document that outlines a person's desires for medical care at the end of life. The Medical Power of Attorney allows a person to appoint someone to make medical decisions on their behalf in the event that they are unable to do so themselves. If their heart stops beating or their breathing ceases, a person can also express their desire to be a DNR patient.
Depending on the situation, "register" refers to the formality of speech. It always pertains to your manner of address. For instance, until a client requests to be called "Bob," you can address him as "Mr. Smith." Do not take it for granted that just because his family calls him "Bubba," so can you. Every language has a register, and most of the time we are aware of how to change from formal to informal speech.