Please select 2 correct answers
The correct answer:
Complete case analysis means that fewer observations will be used in the model building process.
New cases with missing values on input variables cannot be scored without extra data processing.
The correct answer:
There is quasi-complete separation in the data.
The correct answer:
An increase in R-Square
Please select 2 correct answers
The correct answer:
Mode1 Purchase * Gender Age Region;
Mode1 Purchase * Gender|Age|Region @1;
The correct answer:
Proc glm data=sasuser.mlr;class c1;model y=c1 x1-x3 /solution;run;
The correct answer:
A dataset listed in ascending order is given a median value using a statistical technique (i.e., from smallest to largest value). The measure separates the dataset's lower and upper halves. The median is a measurement of central tendency together with mean and mode.
The correct answer:
The correct answer:
The correct answer:
The correct answer: