In project management, requirements documentation shows how each need satisfies the project's business
needs. Stakeholders want requirements to be measurable, traceable, consistent, complete, and acceptable.
Reporting uses data to track the performance of your business
True - Business analysts use requirements to drive the design or review of test cases
The correct answer:
Users who interact with a system are called actors. An actor is a person, group, or external system that communicates with your software or system One sort of element in a use case diagram represents the business roles, and the other type represents the business processes. A use case diagram is relatively straightforward in nature.
The correct answer:
All the above
Micro Focus makes the software testing tool LoadRunner. Applications are tested using it, and system behavior and performance are evaluated under load. LoadRunner can simulate thousands of users using an application simultaneously while recording and assessing the performance of important application components.
Regression is a statistical technique used in the fields of finance, investing, and other disciplines that aims to establish the nature and strength of the relationship between a single dependent variable (often represented by Y) and a number of independent variables (known as independent variables)
The Rational Software Corporation, a division of IBM since 2003, developed the Rational Unified Process (RUP), an iterative software development process architecture.
The extent of standards, process descriptions, and procedures is a key differentiator between maturity levels 2 and 3. At maturity level 2, any particular process instance's criteria, process descriptions, and procedures could be considerably varied.
A transition is defined in terms of the event that triggers it, the circumstances that determine whether or not the entity must react to it, and the subsequent actions.