ASP.NET Core offers another amazing advantage because it is open-source: cross-platform and container interoperability. This means that it can run on Windows, Linux, and MacOS, making it a more distinctive and robust platform.
Frameworks that target ASP.NET Core. Only.NET Core can be targeted by ASP.NET Core 3.x and later. ASP.NET Core is primarily made up of.NET Standard libraries. Any.NET platform that implements.NET Standard 2.0 can run libraries written with.NET Standard 2.0.
The best approach to assigning in MVC is current. Session ["LoginID"] =7;
The application's main() method is used to start it up. When we run an ASP.NET Core Web application, the first thing it does is seek for the Main() function, which is where the execution begins. ASP.NET Core is then configured and started using the Main() function. The app is now an ASP.NET Core web app.
Microsoft's ASP.NET Core is a free and open-source web framework that is the successor to ASP.NET. It's a modular framework that works with both the full.NET Framework and the cross-platform.NET. However, ASP.NET Core version 3 only works with.NET Core, therefore it no longer supports.NET Framework.
Redirects to an action named the same as the current one (Status302Found). The names of the 'controller' and 'action' come from the current request's ambient variables.
The outcome of an action method is represented by the abstract class ActionResult. The class inherits from System.Object and only adds one abstract method: ExecuteResult, which is an abstract method that will be implemented by the derived classes of ActionResult.
The ViewResult sends HTML to the client using the view engine as a response. With ASP.NET core, you can utilize a variety of view engines, although the razor view engine is the most popular. You can also build your own view engine. The ViewResult returns a view that includes or excludes data. Model binding can be used to pass data. The View is a physical file on the file system with the extension.cshtml or.vbhtml.
Data Annotations are properties that are assigned to a class or its members and establish validation criteria, how data is displayed, and class connections. The System is in place. ComponentModel. The classes that are used as data attributes are found in the DataAnnotations namespace.