The last three repairs can all be completed on-site. Repairing a forward clutch necessitates off-vehicle work if you experience shock when shifting from the N to D range. You must first remove the front pump in order to access the forward clutch.
An engine compression test will reveal any air leakage from the cylinder head gasket, piston rings, or either the intake or exhaust valves. It can only detect a leak in certain components, but it can identify a loss through any combination of those components.
Height, free play, and reserve are all measured for pedals. The clutch ages quickly when there is not enough free play. Apply pressure, operating range, or kickback adjustments are not present.
Tech A is correct. The oil pump assembly may be the diagnostic component, and replacing it involves working outside of the car. The control valve may be the problem, as Technician B correctly pointed out, but this is not an OFF-vehicle procedure.
Smoke with a blue hue would result from engine oil spilling into the combustion chamber. Brake fluid and transmission fluid would not leak into the engine and exit through the exhaust. When a head gasket fails, coolant can leak into the cylinder and produce white smoke.
These are all valid approaches to diagnose problems with engine performance. To find out what the customer is going through, you must nonetheless start by speaking with them. After that, you can use that data to make additional diagnoses.
The only reason on this list that would cause you to notice a light to dark brown tint is oxidation from overfilling or underfilling. The color will be a lighter shade of pink if it has been tainted with water. The hue will be dark brown to black if there is wear from friction material. You'll notice a white, foamy substance in the fluid if the engine coolant is contaminated.
The valve train contains a large number of tiny moving parts that might produce noise. Only the rocker arms are actually found inside the valvetrain, though, of the answers provided.
Tech A is flawed since the majority of printed manuals are now dated. All of today's OEM data is accessible online. For the recommended repair, you must thus access the processes in the online service information.
Clutch fluid is the only item on this list that needs maintenance. All the other parts are replaceable, but they wouldn't be unless one of them was broken. The clutch linkage can also be adjusted, although that wouldn't be considered maintenance either.
One of the most frequent types of engine block damage, particularly in big engines and sports cars, is cracks in the cylinder walls. Water pockets may be able to seep coolant into the cylinder through these gaps. Running troubles and a white smoke that emanates from the exhaust can result from this.