AP Human Geography Practice Exam 2023

formal region ap human geography

The AP Human Geography exam tests students’ knowledge of geographic concepts, data, and spatial relationships. The test is two hours and 15 minutes long and consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and three free-response questions.

While the AP Human Geography exam is one of the shorter AP exams, it still requires a strong set of skills and content knowledge. To succeed on the test, students should study the theory behind the course content and practice answering different types of test questions.

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AP Human Geography Questions and Answers

Is ap human geography hard?

AP Human Geography is frequently regarded as being moderately to extremely challenging, partly due to its distinctive course material.

What is ap human geography?

Students are introduced to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have influenced human perception, use, and alteration of the Earth’s surface in the Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG) course.

What is devolution ap human geography?

Devolution is the process through which authority is transferred from a higher level of government, such as the federal or state governments, to a regional or local level. Decentralizing decision-making and granting more authority to lower levels of government are two common goals of devolution.

What is possibilism in ap human geography?

The idea is that while the physical environment may constrain human behaviors, people can adapt to their surroundings and pick a course of action from various options.

What is taboo ap human geography?

A socially imposed constraint on conduct.

How long is the ap human geography exam?

Two hours and fifteen minutes is allotted for the AP Human Geography exam.

How to study for the ap human geography exam?

  • To create a test-taking strategy, analyze the exam’s structure. The structure of the AP Human Geography exam should be known before you even begin preparing for it so that you may plan your study schedule accordingly. The exam has two sections, each accounting for half of your final grade.
  • Include a review book like Barron’s in your study schedule. Taking thorough notes in class and reading the textbook assigned to your class is beneficial. Still, an outside review book like Barron’s can offer you a more comprehensive understanding of the material covered on the AP® Human Geography exam. These books, as opposed to your class, will provide multiple-choice problems, strategic analyses, and FRQ examples that will give you more understanding of the exam.
  • Use Quizlet to create flashcards for essential terms. Do not, first and foremost, purchase pre-written flashcards. Writing them out yourself aids in memory retention, which will help you ace the test. Although you can make physical flashcards by writing them out, we suggest using online flashcards from Quizlet. The website offers a variety of interfaces and study techniques, including accurate and false, multiple-choice, and more, in addition to allowing you to create your flashcards.
  • Write up a study log that lists several categories of geographic areas. You must be thoroughly aware of the numerous geographic elements and places covered in the course since the AP Human Geography exam evaluates your comprehension of geography. Mark and identify the new types of regions your class studies, such as formal, functional, or perceptual regions, in a separate journal. Use this diary to review and study throughout the year because understanding the fundamental classifications of geographic regions is essential for performing well on the exam, particularly the FRQ portion.
  • Join or start a study group for AP Human Geography. It can get boring to study by yourself at times. You could find it challenging to get motivated to start studying at times, lose focus, or become sidetracked. Study groups are helpful for this reason. Find out if some of your AP Human Geography classmates are interested in meeting once or twice weekly to review the course content.
  • Follow the social media pages for AP Human Geography. Some teachers and students manage social media profiles for AP Human Geography, whether you use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or all four. By following or liking these accounts, you can incorporate APHG facts, study resources, movies, and visuals into your daily life.
  • Interact with media on AP Human Geography. When reading a textbook, concentrating or comprehending concepts can be challenging if you are a visual learner. Switching up your study methods and emerging from behind your reference materials can be beneficial.
  • Write a review manual for geographic ideas and models. Previous FRQs and multiple-choice tests frequently focused on specific geographic models and theories. You’ll need to understand not just what each of these terms means but also how they relate to one another, how to use them in actual contexts, and how important they are in general. The demographic transition model, the gravity model, Rostow’s Stages of Growth, Concentric Circles, and the Hoyt Sector Model are a few fundamental models you should be familiar with.
  • Use meditation applications like Headspace or Calm to reduce your tension. Feeling stressed out while studying for an exam is very simple, so using positive affirmations, being confident in your talents, and trusting them is crucial. The easiest method to maintain a happy outlook while studying for AP® Human Geography is to use a meditation app, such as Headspace or Calm. After your study session, relax and practice meditation for 15 to 30 minutes. It will help you relax and eliminate the stress that prevents you from clearly remembering or understanding information. Overall, it will help you advance academically.

Is ap human geography worth it?

Well-prepared students for AP Human Geography can raise their GPA, skip general education requirements, and receive college credit.

What is a nation state ap human geography?

A nation-state is a sovereign state in which the political and cultural boundaries of the state coincide.

How hard is ap human geography?

AP Because of its distinctive course material, Human Geography is frequently rated moderately to exceptionally difficult. Many students may find the idea of human geography to be alien, but chances are they have previously investigated some of the course’s principles independently.

What is balkanization ap human geography?

Balkanization is a phrase that is frequently used to describe the breakdown of larger countries and states due to multiethnicity, which results in ethnic fragmentation and a general sense of political fragmentation.

What is the gravity model ap human geography?

According to the Gravity Model, the interaction between two locations may be calculated by multiplying their respective populations by a square root of their distance.

What do you learn in ap human geography?

You’ll examine how people have viewed, utilized, and altered the Earth’s surface. You’ll explore trends in human population, migration, and land use using geographers’ methods and ways of thinking.

What is acculturation in ap human geography?

Acculturation is the adoption of cultural characteristics, such as language, by one group as a result of the influence of another.

What is a state ap human geography?

A politically bound area ruled by an established government with jurisdiction over its domestic and foreign affairs.

What is site in ap human geography?

A site is a city’s precise location; you can locate it on a map.

What is situation in ap human geography?

A city’s situation is related to its surrounding features, both man-made and natural.

What is a nation ap human geography?

A group of individuals with similar cultural traits is called a nation.

What is a world city ap human geography?

Global cities, or world cities as they are sometimes known, are frequently the most significant cities in the world regarding their economic and cultural effects.

What is cultural landscape in ap human geography?

The associations and uses that conjure up a feeling of the past for a particular location are embodied in a cultural landscape.

What is environmental determinism ap human geography?

Although environmental determinism need not be, and typically is not, deterministic in the strict meaning of the word, it holds that physical geographic elements such as climate and topography exert a significant and unmediated influence over human affairs.

What is sovereignty ap human geography?

The globally acknowledged exercise of a nation’s authority over its citizens and territory is known as sovereignty.

When is the ap human geography exam 2022?

The exam was held on May 5, 2022.

How to calculate doubling time ap human geography?

Multiplying 70 by the annual growth rate yields the doubling time (in years). Imagine that the population is expanding at a pace of 4% per year; this is a relatively rapid rate of expansion. The doubling time (DT) equals 70 divided by the growth rate, according to the Rule of 70. 

What is a formal region ap human geography?

A formal region is a space where everyone has defining qualities in common.

What is agglomeration ap human geography?

Agglomeration is a localized economy in which numerous businesses and industries group together and reap the benefits of cost savings and increased productivity brought on by this proximity.

What is arithmetic density ap human geography?

A mathematical technique called arithmetic density provides an average of the population in a given area.

What is a shatterbelt ap human geography?

The phrase “shatter belt” often refers to a geographic area threatened by local disputes between states or countries in the region and the involvement of the opposing great powers outside the region.

What is a stateless nation ap human geography?

A community of people lacking international recognition is known as a stateless nation. They are located within the boundaries of another state, which they consider necessary because they are significantly distinct from it.

What is carrying capacity in ap human geography?

The land’s capacity to support a specific population.

What is globalization ap human geography?

The term “globalization” refers to the growing interconnection of political, cultural, and economic factors on a global scale.

What is hierarchical diffusion in ap human geography?

Hierarchical Diffusion occurs when an idea spreads by first circulating among the most connected individuals, then spreading to others.

What is physiological density ap human geography?

The number of people per area suitable for agriculture is known as physiological density.

How many questions are on the ap human geography exam?

The AP Human Geography test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions.

Is ap human geography a social science?

A history/social science course is regarded to be AP Human Geography.

Should I take ap human geography?

For many students, taking the AP Human Geography exam is worthwhile. In general, AP courses help assist students in developing college-level skills while still in high school. The importance of AP Human Geography is highlighted by the fact that it introduces many students to AP classes.

What is a cultural trait ap human geography?

Cultural features are the particular practices that make up a given culture’s way of life daily, including its language, religion, ethnicity, social institutions, and elements of popular culture.

What is an edge city ap human geography?

An edge city is a city that is surrounded by a sizable suburban commercial and residential region. The beltway connects these locations. At first, the peripheral cities served as suburbs for people who lived in the center of cities and worked there.

What is folk culture ap human geography?

Folk culture is the adoption of specific customs by a small group of people that add to their distinctiveness.

What is the multiplier effect ap human geography?

The term “multiplier effect” refers to how the presence of primary and non-basic businesses in a region causes its economic base to grow.

Who created the gravity model ap human geography?

The creator of the gravitational model is Isaac Newton.

How is the ap human geography exam scored?

Half the possible points are allocated to each AP Human Geography exam section.

How many credits is ap human geography?

Students can get 3 credits for AP Human Geography.

How many frqs are on the ap human geography exam?

There are 3 FRQs and 60 MCQs total.

How to write an frq for ap human geography?

  • Start by defining the scope of the question. Ensure you include all topics necessary to answer and avoid any extraneous information. For example, if you are asking about factors influencing population growth and decline in an area, then make sure to provide definitions for population growth and decline as well as for things like natural increase rates, fertility rates, immigration/emigration/net migration patterns, etc. This will give students a clear idea of what is being asked and how to approach it.
  • Next, craft your prompt carefully with enough detail so that students understand precisely what they need to do but not too much that they feel overwhelmed or confused by irrelevant information. Ensure there is some guidance in structure or ideas so that students can build something tangible when constructing their answer without having it appear spoonfed or too restrictive in their ideas.
  • Finally, provide multiple examples throughout the prompt about topics such as population change theory or geographic concepts so that students can recognize patterns among different questions on different tests year after year, which will make answering each new one more efficient for them over time due to repetition with similar contexts throughout the testing experience in this subject area followed up with proper practice/revision during preparation periods prior taking tests pertaining AP Human Geography along other related subjects depending on educational board policy requirements respectively.

What are site factors ap human geography?

The physical characteristics of a location are related to production expenses for businesses, such as land, labor, and capital.

What are squatter settlements ap human geography?

An area within a city in a less developed nation where individuals create homemade structures and unlawfully build homes on land they do not own or rent.

What is a geometric boundary ap human geography?

A border is formed by employing latitude and longitude lines and their related arcs.

What is a growth pole ap human geography?

The term “growth pole” refers to the concentration of technologically sophisticated and highly inventive industries that foster economic growth in related businesses and industries.

What is centripetal force ap human geography?

Centripetal force is an attitude that brings people together and strengthens support for a government. In other words, a state’s internal centripetal forces keep it together and maintain its unity. They bolster the nation’s stability, foster solidarity, and make it stronger.

What is cultural relativism in ap human geography?

Cultural relativism is defined as understanding a culture on its own terms rather than evaluating it by one’s own norms or customs.

What is ethnic religion in ap human geography?

Ethnic religions have a direct connection to a region’s physical environment, culture, and ethnic background. Ethnic religions focus on one group, sometimes in one location or within one ethnicity, rather than trying to appeal to everyone. The two most prominent instances of ethnic religions are Judaism and Hinduism.

What is ethnocentrism in ap human geography?

The belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior is known as ethnocentrism.

What is irredentism ap human geography?

A political movement known as irredentism has a close relationship with nationalism. It is a political movement that seeks to bring a country back together or retake a lost region.

What is outsourcing ap human geography?

Outsourcing is a corporate decision to delegate substantially of the responsibility for manufacturing to independent suppliers.

What is popular culture ap human geography?

A culture that is based on wide distribution rather than being bound to a particular region is known as popular culture.

What is shifting cultivation ap human geography?

Shifting cultivation is a type of farming in which farmers cultivate the ground for two or three seasons at a time. After that, they leave the field to grow vegetables naturally. Farmers then relocate to a new location.

What is the heartland theory ap human geography?

According to Halford Mackinder’s heartland theory, whoever controls Eastern Europe’s heartland would rule the globe.

Who was von thunen ap human geography?

German economist and farmer Johann Heinrich von Thünen was interested in the agrarian upheaval that followed the industrial revolution. He kept meticulous records of his estate’s transactions for more than 40 years while owning a sizable farming estate close to the German city of Rostock.

Does ap human geography count as a social studies credit?

AP Human geography is categorized as a social science and history course. Be warned that a lot of prestigious colleges don’t give credit for this.

How many units are in ap human geography?

The seven widely taught units of study that make up the AP Human Geography framework present one possible order for the course.

How to get a 5 on ap human geography?

  • Learn the Models & the Inventors.
  • Know the Vocabulary Inside & Out.
  • Learn Where Each Country Is Located on a Map.
  • Make a Current Events Journal.

Is ap human geography a history class?

AP Human Geography is classified as a history/social science course.

What are language families ap human geography?

Language Family is a group of languages connected to one another by a common ancestor who lived long before recorded history.

What does ap human geography count for in college?

The AP Human Geography course is similar to a sophomore-level college course and is an excellent approach to preparing high school students for college-level study.

What is a commodity chain ap human geography?

A commodity chain is a method that businesses use to obtain resources, change them into products or commodities, and then distribute those products to customers. It is a network of connections that join the many production and distribution hubs to create a good subsequently traded on the global market.

What is a frontier ap human geography?

A frontier is an area of land under no state’s jurisdiction.

What is centrifugal force ap human geography?

In contrast to centripetal forces, centrifugal forces are ideas or actions that have a tendency to split a state in two. Although centrifugal forces start in the same dimensions as centripetal forces, the population is pulled away rather than brought together by the forces.

What is comparative advantage ap human geography?

The ability of a nation, business, or individual to create a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other producers is known as comparative advantage.

What is distance decay ap human geography?

According to the principle known as “distance decay,” interaction between two locations reduces as distance between them rises.

What is extensive agriculture ap human geography?

Extensive farming is a style of agricultural production in which crops or livestock are produced using only modest amounts of labor, money, and chemicals.

What is gis ap human geography?

Data about locations on Earth’s surface can be captured, stored, checked, and displayed using a computer system known as a geographic information system (GIS). Streets, buildings, and plants can all be displayed on a single map using GIS.

What is remote sensing ap human geography?

Remote sensing refers to photographing the Earth’s surface from satellites (or, previously, airplanes) to gain a clearer understanding of the planet’s geography from great distances.

What is sustainability in ap human geography?

Sustainability is the practice of using Earth’s resources in a way that guarantees their continued availability.

What is sustainable development ap human geography?

The idea of sustainable development refers to using natural resources in a way that satisfies present requirements without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to satiate their own needs.

What is territoriality ap human geography?

Territoriality is the idea of a specified area of land or water that is claimed by a group or individual as their own and is shielded from outside intervention.

What is the berlin conference ap human geography?

In 1884, the Berlin Conference was held with the goal of allocating the African continent among the major European imperial powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy). It is among the most important occasions that occurred throughout the imperial era (circa 1870-1914).

What is the demographic transition model ap human geography?

Demographers use the demographic transition model to classify various nations’ economic and population growth rates. The model examines trends in a society’s overall population as well as birth and death rates at a specific time.

When do ap human geography scores come out?

The College Board exam season timeline’s most recent version indicates that students will receive their AP scores in July 2022. The College Board traditionally announces AP results at the start of July.

How did islam diffuse ap human geography?

Islam was mainly spread through contagious diffusion through military conquest into North Africa and Western Europe and through Arab traders going to Indonesia.

How to prepare for ap human geography?

  • Analyze the exam’s layout to develop a test-taking strategy.
  • Include an additional review book like Barron’s in your study schedule.
  • Use Quizlet to create flashcards for essential terms.
  • Describe many types of geographical regions in a study journal.
  • Join or create a study group for AP Human Geography.
  • Subscribe to AP Human Geography’s social media pages
  • Interact with media connected to AP Human Geography.
  • Construct a review manual for geographic ideas and models.
  • Reduce tension by utilizing Headspace or Calm meditation applications.

How to self study ap human geography?

  • Buy a study book.
  • Take a practice test a week or two before the exam.
  • Make flashcards for each chapter throughout the year.
  • Read your textbook consistently.

How to study for ap human geography frq?

  • Read the opening paragraph. Be careful to read the brief introduction before diving into the first portion of the question.
  • Select the proper task verb (and Understand What It Means)
  • Read your response again and check it twice.
  • Take It Slowly.

Is ap human geography an elective?

AP Human Geography is a one-year elective. The goal of AP Human Geography is to have students think regionally by having them consider the “where” and “why” of patterns we can see on the surface of the Earth.

What are geographic questions ap human geography?

What is there? Where is it? Why is it there? What are the affects of it being there?

What are the different types of boundaries ap human geography?

Political boundary: An arbitrary line defining the bounds of the territory of a state. Frontier: An area of land over which no state has jurisdiction. Geometric boundary: A border made using latitude and longitude lines and the arcs that connect them.

What is a census ap human geography?

A census is a periodic, official count of a nation’s population.

Is agribusiness ap humwhatan geography?

The network of political and economic ties that organizes the production of food for market purposes is known as agribusiness. It entails operations, including seed production, retail sales, and agricultural product consumption.

What is agribusiness ap human geography?

The network of political and economic ties that organizes the production of food for market purposes is known as agribusiness. It entails operations, including seed production, retail sales, and agricultural product consumption.

What is a lingua franca ap human geography?

A lingua franca is a language that incorporates basic terms from several different languages to enable communication between individuals who must understand one another to conduct trade and facilitate business.

What is a microstate ap human geography?

A microstate (ministate) is a small country both in terms of people and land size.

What is a pidgin language ap human geography?

When two or more languages coexist in a small geographic area, a “pidgin” language frequently develops. It entails the organic blending of two or more languages into a single flexible dialect.

What is a supply chain ap human geography?

A network of people and activities known as supply chains is used to transfer a product from its production point to the final customer.

AP Human Geography Course Exam Description

The AP Human Geography course is a challenging subject and requires more effort than it appears. Despite this, it can be a rewarding class to take. The College Board offers a variety of resources to help students prepare for the exam, including study guides and practice tests.

The AP exam consists of a 60-minute multiple-choice section and a 75-minute free-response section. The multiple-choice questions are designed to test your knowledge of specific concepts and definitions.

Your score is also affected by your ability to use field-specific terminology and vocabulary. To ensure you’re able to answer all the questions on the multiple-choice section, make sure to make flashcards of all the terms you’ve learned in your class.

The AP exam is a tough test and you’ll need to know your material very well. You can do this by studying hard, taking a practice test, and doing your best on the real thing. There are a lot of terms, vocabulary, and different models to learn, so you’ll need to put in the time to prepare for it.

AP Human Geography Unit 1 Practice Test

The AP Human Geography test is one of the most challenging exams you can take, so it’s important to put in the necessary study time. Luckily, there are plenty of great AP Human Geography practice tests that can help you prepare.

You’ll want to begin by taking a full-length AP Human Geography practice test to get a sense of how the exam is structured. Then, you can decide which concepts to focus on in your study plan and make sure you’re spending enough time on them.

Another important part of studying for the AP Human Geography test is learning the terms and definitions that are unique to this course. This will help you understand how to respond to multiple-choice questions on the exam that require you to identify a concept using a specific phrase.

Once you’ve taken a few practice tests, review your answers to see how well you performed. Then, you can decide whether or not you need to go back and work on some of your mistakes. If you’re not seeing a significant improvement, it might be time to change your study approach!

How Long Is The AP Human Geography Exam

The AP Human Geography exam is a 2 hour and 15 minute multiple choice test. It includes both individual and set-based questions that require a wide range of skills and knowledge.

It’s important to study for the AP Human Geography exam well in advance, and make sure you have enough time to thoroughly prepare. Students who study early and prepare thoroughly are much more likely to pass the AP Human Geography exam.

Getting a good score on the AP Human Geography exam can help you qualify for college credit and save you money on your tuition. However, it’s important to note that each university has its own requirements for AP credit.

Getting a high score on the AP Human Geography exam is not always easy, but it can be done! You should also prepare for the exam by taking as many practice tests as you can. These will ensure that you are familiar with the format of the exam, and you will know where your weaknesses lie.

How To Study For The AP Human Geography Exam

To prepare for the AP Human Geography exam, students should take notes in class and read their textbooks. In addition, they should use review books like Barron’s and other AP(r) Human Geography exam prep resources to boost their understanding of the course material.

Many multiple-choice questions on the AP(r) Human Geography exam are stimulus-based, meaning they include maps, charts, graphs, tables, and other visual stimuli. This makes it important to understand how these visuals convey information so you can answer the questions correctly.

Besides reviewing the course material, students should also take time to practice answering a variety of questions, both multiple-choice and free-response. This will help them to master test-taking skills and will make it easier for them to get through the exam.

Another helpful tip is to speak up during class discussions and listen to what your classmates and teacher have to say. This will help you to integrate your understanding of the material on a deeper level and open yourself up to higher-level thinking. Ultimately, this will help you to achieve a great score on the AP(r) Human Geography course and exam.

AP Human Geography Unit 2 Practice Test

AP Human Geography is an incredibly wide-ranging course that deals with a huge amount of information. If you are considering taking this class to bolster your high school transcript and improve your chances of being accepted to the colleges you want to attend, it is important that you have a clear understanding of how the course works and what is covered on the AP Human Geography exam.

One of the most critical topics in the AP Human Geography course is population and migration. This is because it involves understanding the distribution of people on the planet, why they choose to live where they do, and why and how they move from one place to another.

The AP Human Geography exam tests your knowledge of this content by giving you a series of multiple-choice and free-response questions. The multiple-choice section is worth 50% of your AP Human Geography score and consists of 60 questions.

The free-response section is worth a little less and lasts an hour and 15 minutes. The first question will ask you to evaluate text; the second will ask you to comment on a data set or image; and the third will ask you to write an essay.

AP Human Geography Unit 3 Practice Test

If you’re studying for the AP Human Geography exam, one of the best tools you can use is an AP practice test. This will give you a chance to get familiar with the timing and question format of the test, and it will also help you determine which areas of the course you need to review more thoroughly.

The AP Human Geography exam is two hours and fifteen minutes long, with 60 multiple-choice questions and three free response essay questions. The multiple-choice section of the test is scored only on questions that students answer correctly.

In the free response section of the exam, students must write essays answering one question per prompt, and the answers are worth one-third of the exam’s total score. These essays are based on written responses to questions that ask students to explain how concepts related to the course’s content apply to real-world situations.

To prepare for the AP Human Geography exam, you can use free online resources to take full-length practice tests. These are the most realistic way to practice for the AP Human Geography exam, and they’ll let you see which concepts are most important to study for.

AP Human Geography Unit 4 Practice Test

AP Human Geography is a subject that covers a wide range of topics. It includes the study of how the world has been populated and developed, as well as the various cultures, political systems, and means of production.

In order to earn full credit for the AP Human Geography course, students must pass an exam that tests their knowledge of the material. This exam is two hours and 15 minutes long, consists of both multiple-choice and free response sections, and requires students to have a deep understanding of key geography terms.

The first section consists of 60 multiple-choice questions that last one hour (prior to 2020, this section had 75 questions). This part of the exam accounts for half your overall AP test score.

The second section of the exam is the free-response section, which takes an hour and 15 minutes. This section includes three questions that are each worth 7 points, which accounts for half your total AP test score. It is recommended that students spend about a third of their time on each question, and it is also best to spend some time thinking through the responses before writing them.

AP Human Geography Exam Calculator

The AP Human Geography exam is designed to test students’ ability to identify and analyze human behaviors, patterns, and structures that influence how people live in and around cities. It also examines how the environment affects these behaviors.

According to the College Board, AP Human Geography is one of the most difficult courses in the Advanced Placement curriculum and can boost a student’s GPA, skip general education requirements, and earn course credit at many universities. However, the AP Human Geography pass rate is lower than other AP exams, indicating that this course is harder than it seems.

Despite its difficulty, the AP Human Geography exam is relatively easy to prepare for with the right study materials. Those who have taken this class in the past may already have strong subject knowledge, but those who are new to it should spend time reviewing the material and practice taking tests in order to prepare.

If you are taking the AP Human Geography exam, the best way to prepare is with a well-organized study schedule that includes practice test questions, study guides, and other resources. You should also make sure that you are focusing on the specific topics that are most likely to be on the exam.