FREE NASM Questions and Answers


Which of the following best describes Maximal Oxygen Consumption (Vo2max)?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: The maximum rate of oxygen consumption and transportation achieved during maximum physical exertion

Maximum oxygen consumption (Vo2max) is the highest rate of oxygen consumption and transportation achieved during maximal physical exertion. Because of the equipment required, the time involved, and the client's willingness to perform at maximum physical capacity, measuring VO2 max is not always practical. As a result, submaximal tests, such as the YMCA 3 Minute Step Test, are frequently used to calculate appropriate training intensities.

What is the goal of employing the Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) Method, also known as the Karvonen Method?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: To calculate training intensity based on the difference between a person's predicted maximal heart rate and resting heart rate

The Heart Rate Reserve Method is used to calculate training intensity based on the difference between a person's predicted maximal heart rate (MHR) and resting heart rate (RHR). The most widely used and accepted method of determining training intensity is to select a predetermined Target Heart Rate (THR). This value can be calculated using the following formula: THR = [(HRmax - HRrest) x desired intensity] + HRrest.

What are the likely overactive muscles if your client's feet turn out during the overhead squat assessment?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Lateral gastrocnemius

If your client's feet protrude during a squat assessment, he or she most likely has an overactive lateral gastrocnemius. The soleus and biceps femoris are two other muscles that may be overactive (short head). Self-myofascial release and static stretching of the gastrocnemius and soleus are two stretches that could be used to correct this issue.

What is one of the likely underactive muscles if you notice your client's lower back arches during an overhead squat assessment?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Gluteus maximus

If your client's lower back arches during an overhead squat assessment, the gluteus maximus is one of the likely underactive muscles. Other muscles that may be underactive include the hamstring complex and intrinsic core stabilizers. Self-myofascial release and static stretching of the quadriceps, latissimus dorsi, and hip flexor complex are two possible treatments for this issue.

What percentage of adults suffer from musculoskeletal lower back pain?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 80%

Nearly 80% of all adults suffer from lower back pain, which is frequently caused by long periods of sitting in enclosed workspace or by performing manual labor. Musculoskeletal pain frequently results in muscular dysfunction and, as a result, injuries.

What is the maximum rate of oxygen use and transport during peak exertion, as a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: VO2 max

VO2 max is a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness that measures the maximum rate of oxygen use and transport. The Rockport Walk Test and the YMCA 3 Minute Step Test are good estimates of a client's VO2 max, despite being difficult to test accurately.

What is a methodical approach to assessing a client's structural and functional status?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Fitness assessment

A fitness assessment is a methodical way of observing a client's structural and functional status. This is a method of observation and data collection used by a health and fitness professional to determine a client's specific exercise needs.


What kind of information does a fitness assessment provide?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: All of the above

A fitness assessment will provide information about the client's medical history, health issues, previous injuries or conditions, habits and hobbies, and an overall representation of the client's needs and goals. This enables the health and fitness professional to create a plan that is unique to the client.

Which of the following tasks should not be performed by a health and fitness professional for the client?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Recommend diets and supplements

Prescription of specific diets and supplements is not something a health and fitness professional should do for a client. Guidance on general dietary requirements may be provided, but the client should be referred to a dietitian for a specific diet plan.

Which of the following is subjective fitness assessment information?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Occupation

The occupation is a subjective piece of information derived from the fitness assessment. The other answer options are objective and contain data that can be measured in some way.

Which of the following types of records should a fitness professional keep?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: A record of clients' resistance training progress

Every workout in a client's training program should be tracked by a fitness trainer so that fitness progress can be identified and celebrated. Other types of records pertain to the business aspect of training, such as the number of days worked or the amount of income generated.

How can an exercise leader help a client on their fitness journey?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: The exercise leader can set a good example of a balanced approach to fitness

Many clients look up to exercise leaders, and this is a powerful position to hold. Exercise leaders must model emotional health in relation to fitness and support each client on their own unique fitness journey. An exercise leader's role does not include nutrition advice or maximizing caloric burn. When a client complains, the exercise leader can redirect the conversation and educate the client on the importance of total body wellness.

One of your clients has coronary heart disease and is currently taking blood pressure medication. Which of the following methods would be best for judging intensity during exercise?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method

Some medications, such as those commonly used to treat high blood pressure, can cause a person's heart rate to slow. As a result, during exercise or periods of exertion, a client's heart rate may register lower than usual, resulting in an inaccurate estimate of intensity.

As a result, a client's response is the most accurate gauge of intensity, which is why a fitness professional will use a subjective rating of perceived exertion (RPE) to judge intensity during exercise.

Why is the minimum-recommended essential body fat for a female 8-12%, whereas the essential body fat for a male is 3-5%?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Females require more body fat for proper reproductive system function

Because it works as part of the endocrine system to produce hormones, essential body fat is the minimum amount of fat required to support normal reproductive functions. Women require slightly more essential body fat for this purpose.

Though there is no set standard for body composition, studies show that the average amount of body fat for males is 10-20% and 20-30% for females.


How many repetitions should a pushing or pulling be performed?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Repeat up to 20 times

A fitness professional should have the individual perform up to 20 repetitions of movement during a pushing or pulling assessment. The fitness professional will be able to accurately observe movement efficiency and any potential muscle imbalances as a result.

What is the best SAQ assessment drill for clients who are trying to lose weight?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: High-intensity circuits

When compared to moderate-intensity, long-duration exercise protocols, interval training with short, repeated bouts of high-intensity activity has been found to be highly effective for functional capacity, muscular power, fat and weight loss, and other metabolic adaptations.

This is an example of a high-intensity circuit that would benefit a weight-loss client:
30 seconds of jumping rope
Rest period: 20 to 60 seconds
30 seconds of cone shuffles
20 seconds of rest
30 seconds for one-ins and two-ins
Rest period: 20 to 60 seconds

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