FSA Practice Test (8th Grade: Math)


For the first 44 hours of labor in a week, King is paid $616, and for any further hours, he is paid 1.5 times his regular hourly rate. King requires $826 this week to cover his rent, bills, and other expenses. How many hours must he work this week to make enough money?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 54

he amount of money that king earns for one hour: $616/44=$14
Number of additional hours that he work to make enough money is: $826−$616/1.5×$14=10
Number of total hours is: 44+10=54

Richard designed a triangle-shaped flag with the measurements indicated below.
Which of the following is the most closest to X's value?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 10.4

The closest to the value of x is 10.4

Which of the following is a number that is an integer?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: -3

An integer belongs to the set containing the counting numbers, their additive inverses, and zero. Therefore, -3 is an integer.

Customers can rent a small cargo truck from a hardware store to transport any large items they buy. To rent the truck, the shop charges a rental fee of $20 plus $7.50 per hour. Which equation is the most accurate representation of the situation?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: y=7.5x + 20

Second equation best represents the situation.

A scatter plot is displayed. Which of the following statements about the scatter plot is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: The data show a positive correlation.

The data in the scatter plot shows a positive correlation.

Rica earns $15 per week in addition to $.50 per customer on her paper route. She wants to make at least $25 every week. What formula can she use to calculate x, the number of clients she'll need to make exactly $25?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 0.50x + 15 = 25

The third equation is the right answer to find X.

Faye was three times as old as Eddie five years ago. How old is Faye today, if Eddie is ten years old?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 20

Five years ago, Faye was three times as old as Eddie. Eddie is 10 years now. Therefore, 5 years ago Eddie was 5 years.
Five years ago, Faye was: 𝐴=3×5=15
Now Faye is 20 years old: 15+5=20

On the coordinate grid below, a function is graphed. Which of the following statements is the most accurate description of the function?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: As the value of x increases, the value of y decreases for positive values of x only.

The second statement is correct.

Which of the statements below is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Every whole number is a rational number.

Rational numbers are the set of numbers that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers in which the denominator is not zero.
All whole numbers can be expressed in this manner; so every whole number is a rational number.

In scientific notation, how would you write 564,000,000?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 5.64 x 10⁸

564,000,000 in scientific notation is 5.64 x 10⁸

The total amount of money, y, saved over x weeks is represented by the function y = 3.50x + 2. What is the function's fact?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: It is linear because it increases at a constant rate.

The function is linear because it increases at a constant rate.

What value of x is required for this equation to be true?
4x – 10 = 18

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 7

4(7) – 10 = 18

If AE=4, CD=6, and AC=12, what is the length of AB in the following diagram?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 4.8

Two triangles ∆𝐵𝐴𝐸 and ∆𝐵𝐶𝐷 are similar. Then:

What is the number of calories Marvin will burn after walking at a constant rate of 42 minutes, based on the graph?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 168

After walking at a constant rate of 42 minutes, Marvin will burn 168 calories.

Which of the following statements about the square root of 10 is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: It is irrational.

√10 cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers p and q and is therefore irrational.

In scientific notation, what is.0002?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 2.0 x 10⁻⁴

.0002 in scientific notation is 2.0 x 10⁻⁴

Which of the following equations could be used to represent the data in the table?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: y = 2x + 3

The fourth equation could represent the data in the table.

How many gallons does a gas tank contain when it is 2/5 full if it can store 25 gallons?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 10


What is the value of the following expression?
8 – 3√16

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: -4

8 – 3√16 = -4

On the number line, where does √5 lie between two whole numbers?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 2 and 3

2²=4 and 3²=9

Since 5 lies between 4 and 9, √5 lies between 2 and 3.

Solve the equation:

3 - 5x = -9 + x

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 2

3 - 5(2) = -7
-9 + 2 = -7

Which equation is the most accurate representation of the graph's line?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: y = –5

First choice is the best equation that represents the line in the graph.

If x is proportional to the square of y, and y=2 when x=12, what is the value of y when x=75?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 5

𝑥 is directly proportional to the square of 𝑦. Then:
The relationship between 𝑥 and 𝑦 is:

What are the answers to the following system of equations?
3y = x – 2

y = -2x + 4

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: x = 2, y = 0

3(0) = 2 – 2

0 = -2(2) + 4

On a number line, arrange the numbers in the following order (least to greatest).

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 1.35, 1.8, √5, 2.5

If we change the numbers all to the same accuracy, it is easier to order them on the number line.

Write 1.8 as 1.80, 2.5 as 2.50 and √5 as >2 because 2²=4 and < 2.5 because 2.5²=6.25.

Then, the correct order is 1.35, 1.8, √5, 2.5.

Which of the following numbers is an irrational number?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Square root of 50

Square root of 50 is an irrational number.

To the following inequality, what are the solutions?
2x + 6 < 4

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: x < –1

Fourth choice is the right answer.

In the cities A, C and E, what percent of the respective cities are in the type of pollution?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: 60%,40%,90%

Percent of cities in the type of pollution A: 6/10×100=60%
Percent of cities in the type of pollution C: 4/10×100=40%
Percent of cities in the type of pollution E: 9/10×100=90%

On the coordinate grid below, lines p and q are shown. Which of the following statements is the most accurate description of the lines?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Line p has a greater slope than line q.

As shown in the coordinate grid, line p has a greater slope than line q.

Is the equation below correct?
-5² = (-5)²

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: No, because -5² equals -25 and (-5)² equals 25.

Unless there are parentheses to denote otherwise, the exponent is only applied to the constant or variable immediately preceding it. If there are parentheses immediately preceding it, then it is applied to everything within the parentheses.

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