FSA Practice Test (4th Grade: English Language & Arts)


All day, I'd been craving chocolate ice cream. Finally, school was finished, and I was free to go grab a giant chocolate ice cream cone. Although the line was long, it was well worth the wait. My ice cream cone's first bite was delicious. Then the worst thing that could have happened occurred. I bumped with the person in front of me and spilled my ice cream.

Make a one-sentence summary of the preceding text.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: I craved ice cream all day, but when I finally got a cone I dropped it on the floor.

The second choice is correct, because it tells the main idea of the passage.

When we went to the city, we saw senator Davis riding in a car in the parade.
Which word should be capitalized?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: senator

The word "Senator" should be capitalized.

Mike is a also a student at my school. He is popular with both teachers and students. Mike is someone we can trust to protect our secrets, assist us when we need it, and always be on time. We know he is always truthful and wants others to be the same. Mike got a job walking dogs every morning last summer. Everyone advised him to quit his work when school started this year, but he chose to maintain it. He understood it would be difficult to get up at 5 a.m. every morning to walk all of the dogs and then go to school for the rest of the day. This year, he also intends to sing in the chorus, play basketball, and serve as a tutoring program mentor. He knows it won't be easy, but he believes his efforts will be worthwhile. He's attempting to save money so that he can attend a youth camp next summer.

Mike is saving money for what forthcoming occasion, according to the above passage? 

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Youth camp

The second choice is correct. We know Mike is saving up for youth camp, because the last sentence of the passage tells us so.

Which of the following statements is capitalized correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: During World War I, Americans fought against German soldier.

The sentence that is capitalized correctly:
"During World War I, Americans fought against German soldier."

Shiela had spent an hour practicing her recital piece. She couldn't seem to get it right. She stormed out of the room, throwing her music on the floor. She told her father that she was going to stop playing piano since she would never be able to learn the piece for her recital. Her father advised her to take it slowly. He explained that learning a piano piece took more than one practice session. He assured her that if she practiced her piece every day, she would eventually master it. Shiela wasn't sure she agreed, but she practiced every day for the next week. One day, she was surprised to discover that she had played her piece perfectly. After all, her father had been correct.

What is the central theme of the preceding passage?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Practice makes perfect.

The second choice is correct. Because Shiela spent so much time practicing, she performed well at her recital.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: When did you read that book?

The correct statement is: "When did you read that book?"

When John was walking to his friend's house, he noticed a stranger approaching him. John was greeted by the man. John came to a halt and greeted the man, even though he didn't recognize him. The man invited John to accompany him to his car and demonstrate how to use his cellphone. Because he didn't know the man, John didn't think he should do it. He told him he didn't have time, but the man persisted. When John attempted to walk away, the man grabbed his arm and began dragging him back to his car. John screamed as loudly as he possibly could. A cop arrived and forced the man to flee from John. John then dashed to his friend's house and informed him of the incident. When his friend's mother walked outside to look for him, she noticed a police officer arresting the man. John was relieved that he had followed his mother's warnings about strangers.

What is the central theme of the preceding passage?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Beware of strangers

The fourth choice is correct. The stranger in the story grabbed John's arm and tried to pull him into his car. If John hadn't yelled, the stranger probably would have kidnapped him.

Before this incident, she _______ to the principal’s office many times.
What is the correct verb phrase?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: had been

Before this incident, she had been to the principal’s office many times.

2754 East Main Street
Jojo, TX 49256
May 24, 2013

Greetings, Mr. Alex!

I placed an order to your company for a Magic Racing Top. The toy was sent to me today in a severely damaged package. Before I opened the package, I snapped an image of it, which I am providing to you as proof of damage. The toy inside was broken, most likely as a result of package damage during shipping.

This toy was going to be a birthday present for one of my friends. I don't have enough time until his celebration to wait for a replacement toy, so I don't need it. I'd like to get my money refunded to me. Please supply a prepaid shipping label if you want me to return the broken item.

Thank you for taking care of things for me. I eagerly await your response and hope that we will be able to handle this issue to our satisfaction.


Michael Brown

Choose the most accurate summary of the preceding letter.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Michael received a broken Magic Racing Top in a damaged package. Since the toy was a gift and there is no time to wait for a replacement, Michael wants his money back.

The fourth choice is correct, because it tells the purpose of the letter and only the important facts.

They _______ it will be easy to run the mile.
Select the appropriate verb.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: think

They think it will be easy to run the mile.

Mike is a also a student at my school. He is popular with both teachers and students. Mike is someone we can trust to protect our secrets, assist us when we need it, and always be on time. We know he is always truthful and wants others to be the same. Mike got a job walking dogs every morning last summer. Everyone advised him to quit his work when school started this year, but he chose to maintain it. He understood it would be difficult to get up at 5 a.m. every morning to walk all of the dogs and then go to school for the rest of the day. This year, he also intends to sing in the chorus, play basketball, and serve as a tutoring program mentor. He knows it won't be easy, but he believes his efforts will be worthwhile. He's attempting to save money so that he can attend a youth camp next summer.

Mike gets up every morning at 5 a.m. to:

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Walk dogs

The third choice is correct. We know that Mike gets up at 5 a.m. to walk dogs, because the second sentence of the second paragraph provides the time.

Anne and Ara ordered two cheeseburgers each.
Which of the following words is a verb?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: ordered

The verb is the word "ordered".

Alexa the Great was a queen who lived over two thousand five hundred years ago. She was Ronald II of Macedonia's daughter. When Princess Alexa was a young girl, a lovely horse that was for sale was brought to the court of his father. It was planned to sell the animal for thirteen talents. Talents are like gold coins from the past. Many people wanted to buy the horse, but no one could get close enough to saddle it. He was uncontrollable and difficult to ride. Alexa begged his father to let her try. She moved the horse towards the sun so that its shadow fell behind it, realizing that the horse was scared of its own shadow. The princess proudly rode away after this calmed the horse. Observing this, her father said, “My daughter, look for a kingdom worthy of your greatness. Macedonia is too small for you.”
That is just what Alexa attempted to accomplish as she grew older. She fought several fights and was always accompanied by Brono (the horse's name). The girl and her horse developed a bond of friendship and trust. Alexa was heartbroken and mourned the death of her horse Brono after he died of wounds sustained in war.
When did the events of this narrative take place?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: two thousand five hundred years ago

The second choice is correct. The first sentence of the passage tells us that the story takes place two thousand five hundred years ago.

In a pet-related outline, which of the following would be a subheading?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: dogs

The sub-heading in an outline about pets is the word "dogs".

His eyes twinkled like diamonds as he looked lovingly at his new kitten.
Identify the simile in the preceding sentence.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: twinkled like diamonds

"Twinkled like diamonds" is a simile. A simile compares two things using like or as. The way the boy's eyes twinkle is being compared to how diamonds twinkle.

Which of the following questions is accurately phrased?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Have you seen the weather report?

The correctly worded is: "Have you seen the weather report?"

His eyes twinkled like diamonds as he looked lovingly at his new kitten.
What two things are being compared in the given passage by the simile?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: his eyes to a diamond

"Twinkled like diamonds" is a simile. A simile compares two things using like or as. The way the boy's eyes twinkle is being compared to how diamonds twinkle.

Dianne walked across the house quietly so as not to wake her parents. She stood and listened before entering the kitchen, making sure no one had gotten up because they had heard her. She carefully opened the cabinet door, making sure it didn't squeak. Something warm and furry touched Dianne's hand as she reached into the cabinet. Dianne screamed and ran from the kitchen. Her father dashed into the room to find out what had happened. When he noticed their cat Purr Purr sitting quietly in the kitchen cabinet wagging her tail, he burst out laughing.

Which style of narration is used in the above passage?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Third person

Third person point of view means the person telling the story is not a character in the story.

_______________ found a bag of chocolate.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Four children

Four children found a bag of chocolate.

You're not the type of girl who'd show up at a place like this so early in the morning. But now you're here, and you can't say the terrain is completely unknown, even if the specifics are fuzzy. —From Jay McInerney's novel Bright Lights, Big City (1984)

Which type of narration is used in the above passage?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Second person

Second person point of view is when the writer is talking directly to the reader.

Choose the proper comma placement for an introductory word.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: No, you can’t eat a cookie.

The sentence using the right usage of comma: "No, you can’t eat a cookie."

When I first realized that I would be getting a tooth pulled, I was terrified. The night before the procedure, I didn't get any sleep at all. I was scared that it might hurt too much for me to bear. When I sat in the dentist's chair, I was trembling. He assured me that procedure would be painless, but I had my reservations. I was given some medication by the dentist. My tooth was gone when I awoke, and I had no knowledge of what had happened.
Which type of narration is used in the above passage?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: First person

First person point of view is when one of the characters is telling the story. Pronouns such as I and me are used.

Which of the following sentences has the comma in the proper place?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Ryan, put your coat on.

The sentence using the right usage of comma: "Ryan, put your coat on."

What is the shape of a muscle tissue cell, according to the table above?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Long and narrow

Muscle tissue is long and narrow. Underneath muscle tissue, the chart says it is long and narrow.

Which one is correct in spelling?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: anonymous

Spelled correctly: "anonymous"

Have you ever wondered what happened to the dinosaurs who once ruled the world? Scientists have come up with a number of theories over the years. One theory is that a massive meteorite crashed into our planet, causing a massive dust cloud to cover the world. The dust cloud was so large that the sun's rays were blocked from reaching Earth. All of the plants died as a result of this. The herbivores died since they didn't have anything to eat. Large carnivores died as well, leaving the earth without dinosaurs.
What is the meaning of the word herbivore?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: An animal that eats only plants

An herbivore is an animal that eats only plants. The passage gives us a clue when it describes that the plants dying caused the herbivores to die.

I used _______ eggs than Mariss did.
Choose the most appropriate word to complete the statement.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: fewer

I used fewer eggs than Mariss did.

The ostrich is the world's largest bird. Ostriches are extremely quick runners. They run with the assistance of their long and powerful legs. They use their wings to ________________________.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate sentence.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: help them gather speed and as brakes when turning & stopping

The third choice is correct. It provides evidence that supports the sentence before it.

The perfume is fragrant.
What is the sentence's basic English pattern?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: noun-linking verb-adjective

The pattern of the sentence is noun-linking verb-adjective.

Select the sentence with the transitional phrase.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: Equally important, the lungs provide oxygen to the human body.

The transitional phrase is "Equally important."

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