FREE TExES Supplemental Questions and Answers


Although the spelling may vary, the word's origins are the same in different languages. Due to differences in language structure, the pronunciation will be different even if the meaning will be the same. For instance: English-fragrance francais in spanish apple in English European apple.

Correct! Wrong!

The concept you're referring to is called partial cognates. Partial cognates are words that have similar meanings and share a common etymological origin across different languages but may have slight variations in spelling and pronunciation due to differences in language structure and phonetics.

The suggestion or implication of a meaning other than the explicit meaning of a word or phrase.

Correct! Wrong!

The suggestion or implication of a meaning other than the explicit or literal meaning of a word or phrase is known as connotation. Connotation refers to the emotional, cultural, or associative associations that a word carries, beyond its dictionary definition. It can be positive, negative, or neutral, and it adds depth and nuance to language.

Finding ways to keep core beliefs and traditions from the old culture while assimilating into and becoming a part of the new culture.

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Adaptation refers to the process of adjusting to and integrating into a new culture while maintaining certain core beliefs, values, and traditions from one's original culture. It involves finding a balance between embracing aspects of the new culture and preserving one's cultural identity.

A wide range of academic concepts, chances for meaningful dialogue, parallel social and cognitive development, and linguistic functions.

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Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is an instructional approach that integrates the teaching of language skills with the teaching of academic content. It focuses on using meaningful and authentic content from various academic disciplines as the foundation for language learning.

Ideas about a certain group that are oversimplified or overgeneralized based on hearsay or scant personal experience.

Correct! Wrong!

The phenomenon you are describing is called stereotyping. Stereotyping refers to the process of forming judgments or opinions about a certain group of people based on limited information, preconceived notions, or generalizations. Stereotypes often involve oversimplifications, overgeneralizations, or assumptions about the characteristics, behaviors, or abilities of individuals within a particular group.

The study of how the meaning a word or sentence conveys changes depending on the situation it is employed in (such as time, place, the speaker and hearer's social relationship, and the speaker's assumption regarding the hearer's beliefs). Ex: He scored a goal by kicking the ball into the goal. She moved the ball around the court before converting a three-point attempt. She threw the ball eighteen feet in the air. She hit a home run by launching the ball over the fence in left field.

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The study you are referring to is pragmatics. Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics that focuses on how context influences the meaning and interpretation of language beyond its literal or dictionary definitions. It examines how language is used in real-life situations and the social, cultural, and situational factors that affect communication.

When a test question involves a culturally different learner of learners, always consider a choice that magnifies the dignity and importance of the learner's culture.

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Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group of people. When designing test questions or assessments for culturally different learners, it is important to consider and respect the learner's culture to ensure fairness, inclusivity, and respect for their cultural identity. This approach is known as culturally responsive assessment.


is a group defined by its common views, values, and rules, which are controlled by patterns of behavior. 2001's Peregoy & Boyle It includes what individuals know, think, and do, as well as what they produce and use.

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8 is a group defined by its common views, values, and rules, which are controlled by patterns of behavior. 2001's Peregoy & Boyle It includes what individuals know, think, and do, as well as what they produce and use.

Time to write, the ability to write about what one understands, a genuine reason for writing, the opportunity to master grammar, spelling, and mechanics in context, encouragement to go above and beyond expectations, quick feedback, and writing examples are all helpful.

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The beginning ESL writer needs various elements and support to develop their writing skills effectively.

In ESL programs assessments are used for: screening and identification, placement, exiting from program, monitoring student progress, program evaluation, & accountability.

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Assessments in ESL (English as a Second Language) programs serve multiple purposes and play a crucial role in supporting effective language learning and program management.

Is our intrinsic capacity to convey meaning through abstract symbols. The medium can be spoken word, written word, or signs. (The concepts speech and language are not synonymous.)

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Language can be defined as our intrinsic capacity to convey meaning through abstract symbols. It is a complex and dynamic system of communication that allows us to express thoughts, ideas, emotions, and intentions. Language can be conveyed through various mediums, including spoken word, written word, and signs.

The ESL instructor is aware of ESL teaching techniques and makes use of this understanding to construct and carry out effective, developmentally appropriate education. An entry-level ESL teacher should have the following skills: ‥ Knowledge of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), particularly the English Language Arts and Reading curriculum as it relates to ESL; and ‥ Ability to design and implement effective instruction to address the TEKS (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing/representing). ‥ Is familiar with effective teaching strategies for the ESL classroom, and chooses and employs teaching approaches, tools, and materials that are suitable for addressing specific learning objectives and fostering learning in students with various traits and needs. ‥ Uses knowledge of efficient procedures, tools, and tools to deliver content-based ESL instruction, involve students in critical thought, and develop their communicative skills. ‥ Is adept at incorporating technological resources and tools into the teaching process to support and improve student learning. ‥ Uses efficient classroom management and instruction techniques in a range of ESL venues and circumstances.

Correct! Wrong!

Competency 003 within Domain II of an ESL instructor's skill set focuses on their ability to effectively design and carry out instruction that aligns with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and addresses the specific needs of English language learners.

"Language fills every part of our lives, it gives words to our thoughts, voice to our ideas and expression to our feelings. It is a rich and varied human ability- one we can use without even a thought, that children seem to acquire automatically, and that linguists have discovered to be complex yet describable."

Correct! Wrong!

The passage you provided highlights the significance and richness of language in our lives.

English as a Second Language Supplemental Standard I: The ESL teacher is knowledgeable about the English language's structure and conventions, as well as basic linguistic principles. The ESL teacher employs this understanding to encourage students' language growth in English. English as a Second Language Supplemental Standard III: The ESL teacher understands the processes of first- and second-language acquisition. English as a Second Language Supplemental Standard IV: The ESL instructor is aware of ESL teaching strategies and applies this understanding to build lesson plans and carry out instruction that is both efficient and developmentally appropriate. English as a Second Language Supplemental Standard V: The ESL instructor is aware of the elements that influence the academic content, language, and cultural learning of ESL students. English as a Second Language Supplemental Standard VI: The ESL instructor is familiar with the official and informal evaluation processes and tools (language proficiency and academic success) used in ESL programs and makes use of the evaluation results to organize and modify instruction.

Correct! Wrong!

Domain II of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Supplemental Standard focuses on ESL instruction and assessment. This domain encompasses various standards that an ESL teacher should meet to effectively support English language learners.


Texas Administrative Code: Chapter 101. Dubchapter AA; Commissioner's Rules Concerning Limited English Proficient Students: Chapter 89. Subchapter BB (State Plan for Educating LEP Students); Texas Education Code: Chapter 29.063 (LPAC Committees); (Participation of LEP Students in Sate Assessments)

Correct! Wrong!

The references you provided are state-mandated policies and regulations in Texas related to the education of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.

is a sustained period of speech or writing that expresses ideas longer than a sentence. For instance, writing conventions or social conventions.

Correct! Wrong!

Discourse refers to a sustained period of speech or writing that extends beyond a single sentence. It is a broader unit of communication that encompasses the organization and flow of ideas, the use of language conventions, and the interaction between the speaker or writer and the audience.

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