TOEFL Practice Test #8


______ aluminum is exposed to oxygen, a tough, invisible oxide forms, making it extremely corrosion-resistant.

Correct! Wrong!

"Once" is used in an adverb clause to show time relationship. The meaning of "once" is similar to "when."

______ the Silurian Period, there was significant radiation of rapacious fish equipped with bulky jaws.

Correct! Wrong!

A time preposition is needed here. Although all the choices deal with time, only "during" is the correct answer; it emphasizes a point in time.

Sickle-cell anemia, which is a genetic defect, is caused by ____ that encourages a faulty form of hemoglobin.

Correct! Wrong!

This question is based on the correct word order. Only (B) has the right order.

Mary McLeod Bethune, a leading African-American _____, as a child attended the local free school.

Correct! Wrong!

The noun "educator" is needed to modify the adjective " a leading African-American."

Beryllium is used as a bonding agent for nuclear fuel elements ____ toughness and excellent resistance to heat.

Correct! Wrong!

"Because of "is a preposition that is followed by a noun object; it is used to show a reason.

After the wine is clarified, it _____ in wooden kegs or stainless steel tanks to age.

Correct! Wrong!

Amphibians thrive in humid areas, nevertheless, their habitats are constantly decreased __________ new construction.

Correct! Wrong!


Natural rubber is an exceptionally useful raw material because it retains air, keeps out moisture, and does not ______ electricity.

Correct! Wrong!

After a rainfall in the desert, the water _____ in the playas either vaporizes or trickles down into the earth.

Correct! Wrong!

Select the right response. Sunspots are by far the most obvious flaws on the Sun's surface.

Correct! Wrong!

Select the right response. Alaska is home to between 30,000 and 40,000 brown bears, often known as grizzlies, which makes up nearly all of the brown bears in the United States.

Correct! Wrong!

Select the right response. The difficulties of reconciling a pan-European goal with the national interests of 25 distinct countries make the integration process slow, difficult, and occasionally polarizing.

Correct! Wrong!

The United Nations has banned international trade in the 20 or so different species of sturgeon since 1998 as a result of a sharp increase in poaching.

Correct! Wrong!

There are 4 underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong. Crushed ice is use to cool drinks, and is often applied to injuries where there is swelling, to remove excess heat generated in the tissues.

Correct! Wrong!

it should be 'used'


There are 4 underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong.Japan's latitudinal spread, ranging from subtropical in the south to sub-arctic in the north, makes that a wide diversity of flora and fauna

Correct! Wrong!

it should be 'makes for'

There are 4 underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong.Greece's achievement in the 2004 Olympics raise anew the question of whetherAthens should be the permanent home of the Games.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct answerFood is, after all, an important part of Chinese culture and mission controllers say it is important _____ China's space pioneers do not go hungry.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct answerThe 2000 Census showed that married couples _____ half of the 2 million households in the state, and 46 percent of those couples had children under roof.

Correct! Wrong!

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