Everything you Need to Know about TOEFL English Test and The Format


The TOEFL English test is a highly reputable English-language proficiency exam that can get you noticed by many schools around the world. The higher-level TOEFL test measures the capacity of non-native English speakers to use and understand English as it is read, written, heard, and spoken in university classrooms. It is meant to assist you in making sure that you speak in the university setting confidently in English.

Depending on where you live, you can take the TOEFL test on paper or on a computer. The test is available in two formats:

  • internet-based test (iBT)
  • paper-based test (PBT)

The TOEFL iBT is accessible in most states. If it is available in your area, you may have to do it. If not, you will be doing the PBT.

How long is the TOEFL test?
Over the years, the length of the TOEFL IBT exam has been shorter. It required 4 hours before and then ended up to nearly 3 hours in August 2019. TOEFL Test time varies slightly as the Reading section may take between 54 and 72 minutes, and the Listening section lasts between 41 and 57 minutes.

TOEFL Test Format

Section Duration Number of Questions Overview
Listening 41 to 57 minutes 28 to 39 questions Listen to discussions or lectures and then answer questions.
Reading 54 to 72 minutes 30 to 40 questions Read passages and answer questions
Break 10 minutes
Speaking 17 minutes 4 tasks Speak in a microphone and discuss things you’ve read and heard about
Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks Read a passage, listen to a record and write your answer

Note: For locations where testing via the Internet is not possible, the TOEFL Paper-Based Test (PBT) is provided.

How much is the TOEFL test?
The TOEFL test fee of the TOEFL iBT varies in each country ranging from $160 to $240. The paper-based TOEFL is $160. In addition to the TOEFL test cost, other charges may apply in some circumstances. An additional charge of $40 US dollars will apply to those who will register late. For rescheduling, a charge of $60 US dollars will apply.

TOEFL Test Center and Dates
To find available testing dates and test centers without logging into your account, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the ETS site that will direct you to the “TOEFL iBT Test Centers and Dates” section.
  2. Click on the link “see a list of testing locations, dates, and fees.”
  3. Enter the location where you would like to take the TOEFL exam and find the test dates within 2 months.
  4. You will see a new window with dates in the chosen period.
  5. Pick the correct TOEFL date and tap the “View test times and Register” button.
  6. You may register directly from here by creating an account and filling in the necessary data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do TOEFL scores expire?
TOEFL scores have an expiry date of sorts, and it is crucial to know as schools only accept valid TOEFL scores. The scores are valid for 2 years after the date of the test.

How is the TOEFL speaking evaluated?
As per the official TOEFL Speaking grading rubrics, each task is assessed using three components: delivery language use, and topic development. The tasks are then graded on a scale of 0-4. After that, the raw scores are summed together and translated to the overall speaking score on a scale of 0-30.  

Why is there no download score on my TOEFL test result?
You may download your TOEFL test score by:

  1. Once you sign in, click View Scores under My Tests.
  2. Select the Download button beside the desired score.

What do I really need to know about TOEFL test?
Here are 6 things you should know about TOEFL:

  1. You may sign up online at any time at https:/www.ets.org/mytoefl or download the free TOEFL official app from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. The regular registration period is 7 days before the testing date (excluding the day of the test).
  3. The late enrollment deadline is 4 days before the date of the exam.
  4. Rescheduling deadline: Three full days before the test date, excluding the test day or the day of your request.
  5. The test fee varies on where you are going to take the test. The fee can be seen when you pick the location and date of the test.
  6. Registration payment methods:
  • Credit/debit cards (American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard or Visa)
  • Electronic check (e-check)
  • PayPal
  • TOEFL voucher

NOTE: Please check the ETS website to see if there are any payment restrictions for your location. 

Where can I take practice tests for the TOEFL?
You can find a lot of available TOEFL practice test online. You may also search for the following:

What stuff should I bring for my TOEFL test?
On the day of your TOEFL exam, be sure to bring your ETS confirmation email printout and your valid photo ID card.

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