ServSafe – Alcohol Test


How old must a person be to purchase alcohol in all 50 states?

Correct! Wrong!

The legal age to purchase alcohol is 21 years old in all 50 states.

When must you stop serving alcohol to guests?

Correct! Wrong!

You must stop serving alcohol to guests when they show behavioral or physical signs of intoxication or if you're concerned about the number of drinks they've already had.

Which of the following is an example of a criminal violation?

Correct! Wrong!

It is against the law to serve someone who appears to be or is intoxicated.

How many drinks are in a 60-ounce pitcher of beer?

Correct! Wrong!

Twelve ounces of beer constitute a drink. 5 drinks x 12 ounces = 60 ounces of beer in five drinks.

What is the first thing you should do before stopping service to a guest?

Correct! Wrong!

A backup must be prepared to help and take action and they must be close enough to observe but not too close as to appear threatening.

Bill drank six 12-ounce beers from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. How many drinks still remain in his bloodstream?

Correct! Wrong!

Three drinks still remain because the liver breaks down alcohol at a rate of one drink per hour and 12 ounces of beer counts as one drink. So, three drinks were broken down over the course of three hours.

What should you do if a guest is intoxicated when he arrives at your establishment?

Correct! Wrong!

Employees should try to prevent the person from entering the establishment intoxicated but do not physically restrain or touch the person. Also it is against the law to serve someone who appears to be or is intoxicated even if they have a designated driver or they're taking a cab home.

A person who is losing their train of thought is demonstrating what sign of intoxication?

Correct! Wrong!

A person who is losing their train of thought is demonstrating slowed reaction time.

A man and a woman drink four 12-ounce beers in an hour. Which one will most likely have the higher BAC?

Correct! Wrong!

All things equal a woman will always have a higher BAC than a man after consuming the same number of drinks.

How many drinks are in a 60-ounce pitcher of beer?

Correct! Wrong!

Twelve ounces of beer constitute a drink. 5 drinks x 12 ounces = 60 ounces of beer in five drinks.

What should you say to guests when stopping service to them?

Correct! Wrong!

Make sure to sound apologetic and nonjudgmental.

What feature is added to minor IDs in most states to indicate it belongs to a minor?

Correct! Wrong!

IDs issued to minors typically display information in a vertical format.

What feature is added to minor IDs in most states to indicate it belongs to a minor?

Correct! Wrong!

IDs issued to minors typically display information in a vertical format.

The liver breaks down alcohol in the body at what rate?

Correct! Wrong!

The liver breaks down alcohol in the body at one drink per hour.

What must an ID contain in order to be valid?

Correct! Wrong!

A valid ID is one that is current, undamaged, and contains a birth date, photo, and signature.

It is against the law in all fifty states to drive with what Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)?

Correct! Wrong!

It is against the law in all fifty states to drive with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .08 or higher.

What is the best thing to do when liquor authorities enter your establishment?

Correct! Wrong!

Notify your manager when liquor authorities enter your establishment.

What should you say to guests when stopping service to them?

Correct! Wrong!

Make sure to sound apologetic and nonjudgmental.

What is the purpose of an ID reader?

Correct! Wrong!

An ID reader is one form of ID verification as magnetic stripes on fake IDs usually contain no information but you should also be able to visually determine if an ID appears to be genuine.

Which of the following is true about liquor laws?

Correct! Wrong!

Local Liquor laws can only be stricter than the state liquor laws they can never be more lenient.

How old must a person be to purchase alcohol in all 50 states?

Correct! Wrong!

The legal age to purchase alcohol is 21 years old in all 50 states.

What should you do if a guest is intoxicated when he arrives at your establishment?

Correct! Wrong!

Employees should try to prevent the person from entering the establishment intoxicated but do not physically restrain or touch the person. Also it is against the law to serve someone who appears to be or is intoxicated even if they have a designated driver or they're taking a cab home.

What is the percentage of alcohol in an 80-proof bottle of vodka?

Correct! Wrong!

The percentage of alcohol is equal to one-half the proof rating in percent.

It is illegal to serve alcohol to a pregnant woman.

Correct! Wrong!

To deny service to a woman would be considered gender discrimination. Regardless of whether or not she is pregnant you must serve her.

Liquor licenses are issued and monitored by the:

Correct! Wrong!

Liquor licenses are issued and monitored by the liquor authority.

What is the best thing to do when liquor authorities enter your establishment?

Correct! Wrong!

Notify your manager when liquor authorities enter your establishment.

A person who is swaying or staggering when walking is demonstrating what sign of intoxication?

Correct! Wrong!

They may also be unable to pick up objects or may drop them and spill drinks or miss their mouths when drinking.

The liver breaks down alcohol in the body at what rate?

Correct! Wrong!

The liver breaks down alcohol in the body at one drink per hour.

A person who is swaying or staggering when walking is demonstrating what sign of intoxication?

Correct! Wrong!

They may also be unable to pick up objects or may drop them and spill drinks or miss their mouths when drinking.

Dram shop laws protect the server from being sued in the event that an intoxicated guest injures another individual.

Correct! Wrong!

Dram shop laws allow 3rd parties to sue anyone working for, or part of, the establishment where the guest became intoxicated. It also places caps on the amount of damages that can be awarded to the 3rd party.

A person who is talking or moving slowly is demonstrating what sign of intoxication?

Correct! Wrong!

They may also be unable to concentrate, lose their train of thought, become forgetful, drowsy or glassy-eyed, lose eye contact, or become unable to focus.

What should you do if a guest is intoxicated when he arrives at your establishment?

Correct! Wrong!

Employees should try to prevent the person from entering the establishment intoxicated but do not physically restrain or touch the person. Also it is against the law to serve someone who appears to be or is intoxicated even if they have a designated driver or they're taking a cab home.

What should you do if guests insist on driving after service has been stopped?

Correct! Wrong!

Never physically restrain a guest and you must not allow them to leave without further action as your establishment can be held liable for anything that happens.

What must you do whenever you have to refuse service to a minor?

Correct! Wrong!

Notify your manager and confiscate their ID whenever you have to refuse service to a minor.

What is BAC?

Correct! Wrong!

BAC or blood alcohol content is the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream.

What feature is often added to IDs to keep them secure?

Correct! Wrong!

Ultraviolet text and images are often added to IDs as they're difficult for counterfeiters to recreate.

What should you do if a guest is intoxicated when he arrives at your establishment?

Correct! Wrong!

Employees should try to prevent the person from entering the establishment intoxicated but do not physically restrain or touch the person. Also it is against the law to serve someone who appears to be or is intoxicated even if they have a designated driver or they're taking a cab home.

Who can be sued in a dram shop case?

Correct! Wrong!

Anyone working at the establishment can be sued although dram shop laws set caps on the amount of money that can be rewarded.

What is the first thing you should do before stopping service to a guest?

Correct! Wrong!

A backup must be prepared to help and take action and they must be close enough to observe but not too close as to appear threatening.

Which of the following is true related to criminal and civil liability?

Correct! Wrong!

Criminal liability is being held responsible for committing a crime, while civil liability is being responsible for payment of damages.

What should you do to verify that an ID belongs to a guest?

Correct! Wrong!

To verify that an ID belongs to a guest, compare the guest to the photo and to the physical characteristics on the ID.

Which of the following is an example of a criminal violation?

Correct! Wrong!

It is against the law to serve someone who appears to be or is intoxicated.

Criminal violations of alcohol-related law may result in which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

Criminal violations of alcohol-related law may result in a prison sentence.

What feature is often added to IDs to keep them secure?

Correct! Wrong!

Ultraviolet text and images are often added to IDs as they're difficult for counterfeiters to recreate.

What does civil liability mean for sellers or servers of alcohol?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Civil liability lawsuits will only impact the financial aspects of an establishment, a fine for violating the liquor license would come from the Liquor Authority.

Bill drank six 12-ounce beers from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. How many drinks still remain in his bloodstream?

Correct! Wrong!

Three drinks still remain because the liver breaks down alcohol at a rate of one drink per hour and 12 ounces of beer counts as one drink. So, three drinks were broken down over the course of three hours.

Once you have stopped service to a guest, what is the next step?

Correct! Wrong!

Once you have stopped service to a guest you must ensure that the guest gets home safely.

Once you have stopped service to a guest, what is the next step?

Correct! Wrong!

Once you have stopped service to a guest you must ensure that the guest gets home safely.

What do red borders around ID photos indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

IDs issued to minors often have red borders around the photo.

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