GED Science Test #9


It is possible for one species to coexist with another. Symbiosis is the term for such an arrangement. Mutualism is a type of symbiosis in which both species benefit. Commensalism describes a symbiosis that benefits one species but is neither useful nor destructive to the other. Parasitic relationships occur when one species benefits at the expense of the other. A tick is a parasite that attaches to the skin of a human or animal and feeds on its blood.

Correct! Wrong!

The tick is a parasitic creature. It benefits, but the animal from whom it feeds suffers.

What kind of cell produces antibodies that bind to pathogens in the body?

Correct! Wrong!

The creation of antibodies is carried out by B-cell lymphocytes. These white blood cells release antibodies that attach to infections and aid in their elimination.

What kind of muscle is controlled voluntarily?

Correct! Wrong!

Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles are the three different types of muscle in the body. Skeletal muscle is the only one of the three that can be actively regulated. Smooth and cardiac muscles are involuntarily controlled.

Except for the following, all of these are mammals animal

Correct! Wrong!

Penguins are a type of bird. They have wings and hatch from eggs. They do not give birth or milk their offspring because they are not mammals.

A steroid hormone is which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

The adrenal cortex and gonads produce steroid hormones. They consist of progesterone, estrogen, aldosterone, cortisol, and testosterone.

Most bacteria are unable to grow in high salt concentrations. As a consequence,

Correct! Wrong!

Most bacteria cannot grow in too salty settings, salty foods are less susceptible to bacterial attack.

What purpose does bone marrow serve?

Correct! Wrong!

Red bone marrow, which is located in the ends (epiphyses) of long bones like the femur, is in charge of producing red blood cells.

What part of the body does the job of joining a muscle to a bone?

Correct! Wrong!

Bones and muscles are not directly connected. In its place, a tendon connects the two structures. While joints are the places where bones move past one another, ligaments join one bone to another.

Which of the following statements regarding sunlight is NOT correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Because light has a finite speed, the statement is untrue. It's enormous, but it's not limitless. The rest of the assertions are correct.

What hormone causes the body's blood sugar levels to decrease?

Correct! Wrong!

The pancreatic hormones glucagon and insulin are principally responsible for controlling blood sugar levels. Insulin aids in lowering blood sugar levels.

Humans have four blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Because a person with blood type A has antibodies to type B, he or she is unable to receive type B blood. A person with blood type B, on the other hand, has antibodies against type A and cannot take type A blood. An AB blood type individual has no antibodies and can get blood from anyone. A person with type O blood has both A and B antibodies and can only accept blood from people who have the same blood type. Someone with type B blood can donate based on this information.

Correct! Wrong!

A person with blood type B can donate blood to individuals who lack B antibodies. Other people with type B blood (who only have antibodies for type A) and those with type AB blood (who don't have any antibodies) fall into this category.

Which hormone does not come from the pituitary gland?

Correct! Wrong!

Prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone are only a few of the peptide hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Aldosterone, on the other hand, is created in the adrenal cortex and works to raise blood pressure by halting the loss of fluid through urination.

What role does the innate immune system perform?

Correct! Wrong!

The all-encompassing mechanism that defends you against foreign poisons and infectious pathogens is known as innate immunity. The body always contains these universal defense mechanisms because they are innate, meaning that it is not essential for the body to have previously seen the pathogen.

Identical twins share all of their DNA. When identical twins are produced, what are they?

Correct! Wrong!

Twins must arise from the same egg and sperm cell if they are to share the same genes.

Which of the following human genetics claims is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Every human being inherits 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father in the normal course of events. However, because one parent's genes can be more dominant and genes from two parents can occasionally generate a blended impact, individuals do not look exactly 50 percent like the father and 50 percent like the mother. Fraternal twins are born at the same moment in the womb, but they are genetically no more similar than two siblings who are not twins. Fraternal twins result from the fertilization of two separate eggs by two different sperm cells. X-rays can cause chromosomal changes.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

Correct! Wrong!

The claim is untrue. Animal cells do not often have a cell wall. Other assertions are correct.

What distinguishes cardiac muscle from skeletal muscle?

Correct! Wrong!

While cardiac muscle cells typically only have one nucleus per cell, skeletal muscle cells typically have numerous nuclei.

What blood type could not be transfused into someone with type A blood?

Correct! Wrong!

The type of antigens found on your red blood cells, when it comes to blood type, determines what kind of blood you have. A person with type A blood might get only type A blood (blood with A antigens) or type O blood (blood without any antigens), but not type B blood (blood with B antigens) or type AB blood (blood with A and B antigens).

Which hormone class is required to bind to membrane-bound receptors?

Correct! Wrong!

Peptide hormones, steroid hormones, and tyrosine derivative hormones are the three main categories of hormones. Peptide hormones are the only polar hormones of the three, which prevents them from crossing the cell membrane. As a result, to cause a reaction in the cell, they need to bind to a membrane-bound receptor.

When a chemical reaction occurs, what remains constant?

Correct! Wrong!

During a chemical process, the number of atoms remains constant. The number of molecules in a cell can fluctuate . In photosynthesis, for example, 6 molecules of carbon dioxide and 6 molecules of water (for a total of 12 molecules) can combine to generate 1 molecule of glucose and 6 molecules of oxygen (total of 7 molecules). Similarly, the amount of gas and solid in a container can fluctuate . Because the quantity of disorder in the universe is continually rising, a reaction isn't required to keep it constant.

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