FREE Ultimate SAT US History Question and Answers


The main reason why women opposed the Equal Rights Amendment's passing was

Correct! Wrong!

In American culture, women have a number of benefits, including being excluded from the draft. Women who were against the ERA preferred to keep those rights.

Which of the following administrations allowed financial support for the Nicaraguan Contras to continue despite congressional bans on doing so?

Correct! Wrong!

Reagan was cleared of all charges, yet it was his administration that supported the Nicaraguan Contras against the wishes of Congress.

Which of the following was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 specific about?

Correct! Wrong!

The guidelines for how the Northwest Territory's divisions could become states were laid down in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

Aside from, Eleanor Roosevelt did everything listed below:

Correct! Wrong!

Eleanor Roosevelt is known for having resigned from an organization that would not allow the African-American contralto Marian Anderson to sing in its hall and then assisting in organizing Anderson's performance at the Lincoln Memorial. Roosevelt also wrote a daily column called "My Day," was instrumental in passing the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and frequently traveled abroad to visit U.S. servicemen in hospitals.

Which of the following is something Hillary Rodham Clinton first did as the first lady?

Correct! Wrong!

After leaving the White House, Clinton was elected to the U.S. Senate from New York.

Which of the following was the goal of the late 1860s Black Codes?

Correct! Wrong!

The rights of African Americans were restricted by the Black Codes, which differed from state to state. The Southern legislators insisted on maintaining a system of racial segregation and oppression despite being unable to bring back slavery.

Farmers experienced all of the above issues throughout the middle of the 1800s, EXCEPT:

Correct! Wrong!

The Grange and Alliance movements achieved the exact opposite; as national organizations, they assisted farmers in working together to accomplish shared objectives.

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