UCAT Situational Judgement Test #4


Roel is a student interning in a clinic. He sees a poster advertising a student organization that hosts ethical debate for medical and dentistry students on the staff noticeboard. The way the poster refers to families with lower-than-average incomes, in Roel's opinion, raises the possibility that it is offensive. He is uneasy about this. In the afternoon staff meeting, he brings up this. Nobody seems to be bothered by his worries.
What weight should Roel assign to the following factors when determining how to react to the situation?

That the poster might offend other people who view it.

Correct! Wrong!

Given that Roel believes this may be the case, it is extremely likely that other people who see the poster may find it insulting. This is crucial since it might be harmful to the patients and employees who might see it.

Medical student Cathy is completing a rotation in a general practitioner's office. She notices a patient, Mrs. Vasquez, yelling at the receptionist as she passes through the office. In a harsh tone, Mrs. Vasquez informs the receptionist that she is extremely dissatisfied with the treatment she has had and that the entire practice staff is incompetent. The front desk agent seemed quite agitated.
How crucial are the following factors for Cathy to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

Whether Mrs. Vasquez has ever been confrontational with the receptionists.

Correct! Wrong!

This is of minor importance. The receptionist's safety and wellness are currently more important than Mrs. Vasquez's past behavior, which may be relevant given that she is acting aggressively. If this behavior was consistent, it might affect how the matter is handled going forward.

Medical student Cathy is completing a rotation in a general practitioner's office. She notices a patient, Mrs. Vasquez, yelling at the receptionist as she passes through the office. In a harsh tone, Mrs. Vasquez informs the receptionist that she is extremely dissatisfied with the treatment she has had and that the entire practice staff is incompetent. The front desk agent seemed quite agitated.
How crucial are the following factors for Cathy to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

If there is anyone else who can assist in resolving the issue.

Correct! Wrong!

This is very important. The matter is unlikely to be settled quickly because Mrs. Vasquez has turned hostile. Cathy should avoid putting herself in danger at all costs. Realizing the scope and seriousness of the situation is crucial, as is seeking assistance, whether from senior GPs at the practice or, in dire circumstances, from security or the police. If Mrs. Vasquez has any extra requirements that call for support, such as confusion, a family member may be able to help.

Amy, a student, is making an effort to make sure she has fulfilled all of the prerequisites for graduation. She feels that she has not been successful in her goal of observing a wide range of various clinical circumstances. She started consulting with patients right after one another to solve this, but occasionally this causes her sessions to go beyond their allotted time. Today, Amy's boss advises her to wait 30 minutes between each patient visit because doing otherwise could harm her patients. Amy has scheduled two patient consultations for tomorrow and does not want to cancel because each of them has a special circumstance that could help her finish the prerequisites for graduation.
How crucial are the following factors for Amy to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

Her clinical mentor advised her to wait 30 minutes between each patient visit.

Correct! Wrong!

This is very important. Amy must understand that her supervisor, who is more likely to be situationally aware than Alba, who is probably task-focused, is thinking about both her well-being and the needs of the patients. It is crucial that she wait 30 minutes between patients, as instructed by her manager. Amy's boss has emphasized that by failing to comply, she might have a detrimental effect on patient care. Although Amy's development is crucial, it shouldn't ever compromise patients' care. Amy's well-being is also taken into account by the supervisor, who by recommending a 30-minute break recognizes that Amy is taking on too much and could grow anxious.

Medical student Cathy is completing a rotation in a general practitioner's office. She notices a patient, Mrs. Vasquez, yelling at the receptionist as she passes through the office. In a harsh tone, Mrs. Vasquez informs the receptionist that she is extremely dissatisfied with the treatment she has had and that the entire practice staff is incompetent. The front desk agent seemed quite agitated.
How crucial are the following factors for Cathy to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

What might be causing Mrs. Vasquez's anger regarding the service received?

Correct! Wrong!

This is very important. When it is safe to do so, Cathy ought to try to find out the causes of Mrs. Vasquez's agitation. Outbursts of hostile behavior typically have a cause. Mrs. Vasquezis' illogical behavior could be the result of her worrying about a health issue or other stressors in her life. Alternately, she might have a legitimate complaint about the GP practice that she has handled improperly. She can be acting in this way due to a physical or mental health issue. Finding this will be crucial for recovering from the incident and might even assist diffuse it in the present situation.

Amy, a student, is making an effort to make sure she has fulfilled all of the prerequisites for graduation. She feels that she has not been successful in her goal of observing a wide range of various clinical circumstances. She started consulting with patients right after one another to solve this, but occasionally this causes her sessions to go beyond their allotted time. Today, Amy's boss advises her to wait 30 minutes between each patient visit because doing otherwise could harm her patients. Amy has scheduled two patient consultations for tomorrow and does not want to cancel because each of them has a special circumstance that could help her finish the prerequisites for graduation.
How crucial are the following factors for Amy to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

When talking with patients right after one another, she does not always go over her allotted time.

Correct! Wrong!

This is of minor importance. The wider picture is not taken into account in this response. She might not overrun, but given that she has shown this ability in the past, the likelihood that she will is greater. Her supervisor needs to handle this issue, which has previously been brought up. If it would affect patient care, it is necessary to address the possibility that she will be run over.

Amy, a student, is making an effort to make sure she has fulfilled all of the prerequisites for graduation. She feels that she has not been successful in her goal of observing a wide range of various clinical circumstances. She started consulting with patients right after one another to solve this, but occasionally this causes her sessions to go beyond their allotted time. Today, Amy's boss advises her to wait 30 minutes between each patient visit because doing otherwise could harm her patients. Amy has scheduled two patient consultations for tomorrow and does not want to cancel because each of them has a special circumstance that could help her finish the prerequisites for graduation.
How crucial are the following factors for Amy to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

One of her tomorrow's patients would suffer if she cancels their appointment.

Correct! Wrong!

This is very important. The fact that Amy already has patients scheduled for tomorrow must be taken into consideration, even if the supervisor's recommendation of a 30-minute break between patients is crucial for patient care and Amy's wellness overall. Amy needs to be honest with her boss about this and see if they can come up with a workable solution. If the patients agree, the time slots might be modified to provide a greater distance between them, or the supervisor might visit one of the patients.


Amy, a student, is making an effort to make sure she has fulfilled all of the prerequisites for graduation. She feels that she has not been successful in her goal of observing a wide range of various clinical circumstances. She started consulting with patients right after one another to solve this, but occasionally this causes her sessions to go beyond their allotted time. Today, Amy's boss advises her to wait 30 minutes between each patient visit because doing otherwise could harm her patients. Amy has scheduled two patient consultations for tomorrow and does not want to cancel because each of them has a special circumstance that could help her finish the prerequisites for graduation.
How crucial are the following factors for Amy to take into account while determining how to react to the situation?

Patients can experience negative effects if she runs late.

Correct! Wrong!

This is very important. Running late has a bad effect on Alba's patients, according to Alba's boss. Alba's growth and learning are crucial, but they shouldn't ever come at the expense of the patient's experience or have a negative effect. Patients who are treated by students are typically highly cooperative, so volunteering to do so shouldn't have a negative effect on their overall care or experience. Alba needs to prioritize the patient's experience and care over her academic obligations. If she is having trouble fulfilling her obligations, she should speak privately with her supervisor to come up with a different plan of action.

Sam, a medical student, is spending time in the emergency room. Sam receives a call from Lola, another medical student, on another ward, asking if he can view the records of a patient who is now being treated in the emergency room. Lola says she wants to know how the patient is because he is a friend of hers.
Which of the following reactions by Sam is most suitable in this circumstance? Each of the following responses would be delivered nicely, it is assumed.

Sorry Lola, I can't disclose a patient's details, as you are aware.

Correct! Wrong!

A doctor-patient interaction must prioritize patient confidentiality. Only if they are actively engaged in the patient's care and treatment, doctors and medical students should ever have access to patient information. Any other use of patient information access is unethical, in violation of data protection regulations, violates patient confidentiality, and would be seen negatively by regulating agencies. The proper response to this absurd request is to explain to Lola in a direct, polite manner that you will not provide the information and that she should know this is not permitted.

Sam, a medical student, is spending time in the emergency room. Sam receives a call from Lola, another medical student, on another ward, asking if he can view the records of a patient who is now being treated in the emergency room. Lola says she wants to know how the patient is because he is a friend of hers.
Which of the following reactions by Sam is most suitable in this circumstance? Each of the following responses would be delivered nicely, it is assumed.

Let me access your friend's file and transmit it to you, of course.

Correct! Wrong!

Accessing patient data for any reason other than being directly involved in their care is Very inappropriate , violates patient confidentiality, violates a doctor's duty of candor, is unethical, violates data protection rules, and would be seen very badly by the governing organizations. The medical school might take disciplinary action as a result.

Sam, a medical student, is spending time in the emergency room. Sam receives a call from Lola, another medical student, on another ward, asking if he can view the records of a patient who is now being treated in the emergency room. Lola says she wants to know how the patient is because he is a friend of hers.
Which of the following reactions by Sam is most suitable in this circumstance? Each of the following responses would be delivered nicely, it is assumed.

"Why don't you check on your friend to see how he is when you have some free time? ”

Correct! Wrong!

This is a very appropriate response. The proper course of action is to refrain from accessing the data because doing so would violate patient confidentiality and data protection laws. This stem acknowledges that his coworker Lola might be concerned about her friend and offers a workable alternative. It would be desirable to additionally point out to Lola that asking Sam to do this puts him in a difficult position, hence it is not proper for her to do so. However, this might be covered at a later time.

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