PARCC Noun Practice Quiz

Select the answer choice that identifies the noun in the sentence.


1. It will take all of your energy and will to be able to walk again.

Correct! Wrong!

1. D: Energy is a noun, as is will here. Take (A) is a verb. All (B) is an adverb modifying take. Your (C) is an adjective modifying energy and will.

2. The works of many great poets have been placed on reserve.

Correct! Wrong!

2. D: Reserve is the only noun of the choices. Many (A) and great (B) are adjectives modifying the noun poets. Placed (C) is a verb.

3. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883.

Correct! Wrong!

3. A: Bridge is a proper noun here. Was (B) is the auxiliary verb for the past perfect tense of the verb opened (C). In (D) is a preposition.

4. Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War.

Correct! Wrong!

4. D: War is a proper noun here. And (A) is a conjunction. Were (B) is a verb. During (C) is a preposition.

5. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone.

Correct! Wrong!

5. D: Bone is a noun. True (A) is an adjective modifying the noun fish. Because (B) is a conjunction. Their (C) is a plural possessive third-person pronoun modifying the noun skeletons.

6. Joe, have you met your new boss?

Correct! Wrong!

6. D: Boss is a noun. Have (A) is the auxiliary verb for the present perfect tense of the verb met (B). Your (C) is a possessive second-person pronoun modifying the noun boss.

7. Sue's parents tried living in the north, but they could not adapt to the cold.

Correct! Wrong!

7. A: North is a noun here. But (B) is a conjunction. Not (C) is an adverb modifying the verb adapt (D).


8. Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for younger students.

Correct! Wrong!

8. D: Students is a plural noun. NOTE: Mastering (A) is a gerund, i.e. a verb form functioning as a noun. But since (D) is already a noun, it is the better choice. Important (B) is an adjective modifying the noun goal. Younger (C) is an adjective modifying the noun students.

9. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant disregard for diplomatic neutrality.

Correct! Wrong!

9. D: Neutrality is a noun. Seize (A) is a verb. Its (B) is a possessive pronoun modifying the noun inhabitants. Flagrant (C) is an adjective modifying the noun disregard.

10. The Trojans' rash decision to accept the wooden horse led to their destruction.

Correct! Wrong!

10. D: Destruction is a noun. Their (A) is a plural possessive pronoun modifying destruction. Led (B) and accept (C) are verbs.

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