NYSTCE Health Education Exam Prep 1


How many calories are in one gram of protein?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - A gram of protein contains 4 calories. Protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, while a gram of fat contains 9 calories.

Nutrient availability is influenced by:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - Nutrient availability (or bioavailability) as defined by the digestion and absorption of a nutrient, is influenced by size, solubility, and interaction with foods. All these factors make it difficult to know precisely the amount of nutrients that will actually be absorbed.

When an individual is excreting more nitrogen than being consumed they are:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - When an individual is excreting more nitrogen than being consumed, they are in negative nitrogen balance. This is the oldest and most commonly used method to follow changes in nitrogen (a major component of amino acids, and hence proteins). In short, the amount of nitrogen being consumed is less than the amount being excreted in the urine or fecal matter because it is being conserved. The increase in nitrogen excretion may be caused by fasting (protein breakdown for glycolysis) fever or wasting. Positive nitrogen is typically seen in periods of growth, where protein is being synthesized.

Which of the following is an enzyme:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: A - Lipase is an enzyme which degrades fats (lipids). Names of enzymes typically end with ‘ase’.

Magnesium excess may cause hypocalcemia by:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: A - Magnesium excess may cause hypocalcemia by inhibiting the release of PTH, thus calcium will not be salvaged from the kidney, taken up from the intestine, or released from the bone.

Antioxidants are:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit damaging oxidizing agents such as free radicals.

Women of childbearing age are urged to take folic acid supplements because:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: C - Women of child bearing age are urged to take folic acid supplements because deficiency increases the risk in developing neural tube defects in children. It is advised to take supplementation before pregnancy because the neural tube closes after 3 or 4 weeks, and often times woman may not know they are pregnant.


The benefits of breastfeeding include:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - The benefits of breastfeeding are vast and include sensitizing infant to diet of mother, for better eating habits later on in life, increases mother infant pair bonding, and decreases mother’s weight.

How many calories are equivalent to a pound?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: A - 3500 calories are equivalent to one pound.

Cooling down after rigorous exercise is important as abrupt cessation may result in blood pooling in the legs, consequently resulting in:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - Abrupt cessation of vigorous exercise may cause blood to pool in the legs causing fainting or cardiac complications. Therefore slow walking and stretching for five minutes is advised. The heart rate should gradually decline during the cool down.

The ABCs of CPR refer to:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: A - The ABCs of CPR refer to A referring to airway, B to breathing, and C to circulation. The sequence of steps taken to rescue the victim is summarized as the ABCs of CPR.

In the event of an injury or minor wound, providing first-aid is necessary in which order:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - According to the Mayo Clinic, “Minor cuts and scrapes usually don't require a trip to the emergency room. Yet proper care is essential to avoid infection or other complications.”

One side effect of anorexia nervosa is amenorrhea, which is:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: C - Significant weight loss is accompanied by amenorrhea, or failure to menstruate for at least three consecutive months.

Those who suffer from Bulimia often use excessive laxatives for weight loss, however, this is:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - The use of laxatives is an ineffective and misinformed method for weight loss as the nutrients have already been absorbed.


A common health misconception is:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - A common health misconception is that all fat is bad is incorrect. Fats have many important functions in the human body including production of hormones, and also contain fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K.

Alcohol consumption lowers blood glucose by:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: C - Alcohol consumption lowers blood glucose by inhibiting gluconeogenesis. This is known as ethanol induced fasting hypoglycemia, a condition that develops several hours after a heavy drinking binge.

Protein supplements alone (such as whey powder) increases muscle gain:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - Increased intake of protein alone does not cause muscle gain, however will be converted and stored as fat. Exercises such as weight lifting does increase muscle bulk provided there is sufficient protein in the diet, and is a necessary step in muscle accretion.

How much daily fiber intake is recommended?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: C - The USDA recommends 20-30 grams of fiber daily in the diet.

Fiber is defined as:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - Fiber is defined as any materials from foods that your body cannot digest or absorb, also known as roughage or bulk.

Regular exercise has positive effects on cardiac system by:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - Regular exercise has positive effects on cardiac system by increasing the muscle mass of the heart increases with exercise training. These changes mean the heart is able to pump more blood with each beat becoming more efficient.

Regular exercise has positive effects on the circulatory system by:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: A - Regular exercise has positive effects on the circulatory system by increasing blood flow to allow more oxygen and fuel to be delivered to various areas of the body, especially muscles which require these nutrients for metabolism.


Characteristics of an effective health education curriculum include:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - Characteristics of an effective health education curriculum include addressing social pressures and influences as well as individual values, attitudes and beliefs - this provides opportunities for students to analyze their own personal and social pressures. Additionally, effective curriculum has been built on theoretical approaches, yet has been proven effective in application.

Age-appropriate information for effective health education curriculum should:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - Age-appropriate information for effective health education curriculum should address students’ developmental and emotional maturity levels, in order to maximize efficacy.

Learned behavior change requires:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: D - Learned behavior change requires intensive and sustained effort, and is increased with repeated exposure.

Effective curriculum includes material that is free of cultural bias, but includes information regarding:

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: C - Effective curriculum includes material that is free of culturally bias, but includes information regarding gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age and sexual orientation. These are examples that are inclusive of diverse cultures and lifestyles, and should be included.

Why is goal setting important?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - Setting goals are important because they help individuals stay focused on their specific aim, and feel accomplished when they achieve these goals, thus motivating them to continue. It is important to set realistic goals to improve the likelihood that they will continue with the exercise program.

What are some benefits of stretching?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: C - Benefits of stretching include improving coordination and preventing injuries. As we age our muscles tighten and we lose our full range of motion in our joints, regular stretching lengthens muscles and decreases the risk of muscle tear.

What are classes of fats?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: B - Three classes of fats include saturated (no double bond between carbons), monounsaturated (one double bond between carbons) and polyunsaturated (multiple double bonds between carbons).


How many essential amino acids are there?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: A - There are nine essential amino acids.

Saturated fatty acids are: A. Fats with no double bonds

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: A - Saturated fatty acids are fats with no double bonds, and are saturated with hydrogen molecules. That is, there are as many hydrogen’s bound as possible. They are linear, and thus pack closer in together.

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