GED Social Studies Test #7


What does Gross Domestic Product (GDP) refer to?

Correct! Wrong!

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of a country's overall wealth.

How many members of the United States House of Representatives are there?

Correct! Wrong!

The population of the state determines representation in the House of Representatives; but, by statute, only 435 votes may be cast per legislation.

How often must the United States take a census, according to the Constitution?

Correct! Wrong!

Every ten years, the United States Census counts all of the country's residents.

What was the Voting Rights Act's purpose?

Correct! Wrong!

To get rid of voting restrictions.

What document's interpretation is used by the Supreme Judicial as a guidance in court decisions?

Correct! Wrong!

When an appeal affects the United States Constitution, the Supreme Court exclusively hears cases from state courts.

The colonial Spanish practice of giving a portion of the native population to a single Spaniard and enslaving the Native American population is known as __________.

Correct! Wrong!

Spanish colonizers in the New World created the Encomienda System primarily to make it easier to exploit the Native American population as a work force.

What is the definition of an amendment?

Correct! Wrong!

A change to the Constitution is referred to as an amendment.


What is the United States' largest state?

Correct! Wrong!

Alaska is the United States' biggest state.

In terms of economics, when there are a significant number of Christmas decorations in December, there is a large...?

Correct! Wrong!

When there is a significant number of Christmas decorations in December, there is a large supply in terms of money. Something is offered that is desired or required.

Control over the American banking system is exercised by whom?

Correct! Wrong!

In reaction to a string of financial panics, the Federal Reserve System was established in 1913. Its duties include overseeing the American banking system, which includes setting interest rates, maintaining the money supply, and regulating the conduct of financial organizations.

The pilgrims who signed the Mayflower Compact travelled to America to __________.

Correct! Wrong!

The Mayflower Compact, which basically declared the pilgrims to be an independent and self-governing nation, was signed by the European immigrants who came to Massachusetts from England to escape religious persecution under King James I.

The Wealth of Nations, a classic work on capitalism's economics, was authored by __________.

Correct! Wrong!

British economist and author Adam Smith lived in the seventeenth century. He was a well-known proponent of free-market capitalism. His most well-known work, The Wealth of Nations, is a kind of shrine to free-market capitalism and continues to have an impact today.

Which of the following is an illustration of the Panic of 1837?

Correct! Wrong!

The American economy saw a severe worsening during the Panic of 1837, a multi-year economic crisis or collapse. The word "panic" is widely used to refer to a time of financial instability, depression, or recession.

The economic model of European colonialism, in which the colony only serves to assist the transfer of resources, prosperity, and money back to the home nation, is known as __________.

Correct! Wrong!

The dominant economic doctrine in Europe during the 16 and seventeenth centuries was mercantilism. The establishment of trade monopolies and colonies to aid in the redistribution of wealth and resources back to the mother country was the major economic objective of the government under the mercantilist system.


A __________ is someone who works during a strike, effectively putting an end to it.

Correct! Wrong!

In a derogatory sense, the term "scab" is used to describe someone who makes a strike less successful by working through it or by seizing a striking union member's job.

When __________, there is frictional unemployment.

Correct! Wrong!

When people leave their occupations due to dissatisfaction, the condition is referred to as frictional unemployment.

What name does Karl Marx give to the working class in his writings?

Correct! Wrong!

Marx believed that the "proletariat" were effectively enslaved by the bourgeoise and the upper class who owned the means of production and, consequently, all the wealth and property. The working class is referred to as the "proletariat" in The Communist Manifesto.

According to the Iron Law of Wages, __________.

Correct! Wrong!

The legislation itself is clear: it mandates that a laborer's pay will always be reduced to the absolute minimum required to keep them employed. Due to the fierce competition on the labor market, employers are able to offer workers the lowest wages possible since if the employee rejects such conditions, someone else will easily take the position.

What is the term used to describe the forced removal of a nation or people from their country of origin to live among other societies?

Correct! Wrong!

A group of people or a nation that has been uprooted from its native land and forced to coexist with other societies is referred to as a "diaspora." This term has been used in recent history to refer to the group of Jews who spent a significant amount of time living in diverse European societies.

Which continent is home to Brazil's Amazon rainforest?

Correct! Wrong!

Brazil, a country in South America, is home to the Amazon River and the Amazon Rainforest. A continent is not what Central America is.

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