GED Social Studies Test #6


The data from the census is utilized to determine _________.

Correct! Wrong!

Census data is utilized to define school districts and how federal education and transportation funding are distributed.

Equilibrium in the economy happens when __________.

Correct! Wrong!

The phrase "economic equilibrium" describes a situation in which a product's supply and demand are balanced. This is a perfect scenario that, in principle, would maintain constant prices and profits. The price of something will decrease when supply exceeds demand, and it will increase when supply falls short of demand.

A single-supplier industry is referred to as a?

Correct! Wrong!

A monopoly is a business that has only one supplier.

The United States Constitution's Eighth Amendment secures __________ .

Correct! Wrong!

Americans are protected from cruel and unusual punishment (including torture) and exorbitant penalties under the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution.

The level or intensity of financial comfort and wealth that a group of people enjoys is referred to as __________.

Correct! Wrong!

The standard of living in a nation or region refers to the level of comfort, affluence, and quality of life that its citizens enjoy. The bulk of Africa and Asia have comparatively poor levels of life compared to America and Europe, which have relatively high standards.

The foundation of a market economy is _______.

Correct! Wrong!

Supply and demand are the foundations of a market economy.

The Eighteenth Amendment __________.

Correct! Wrong!

The sale, use, and consumption of alcohol are all expressly outlawed by the United States Constitution's Eighteenth Amendment. It was the result of a pro-moderation movement that lasted for many years. The amendment was passed in 1919, but because of the increase in organized crime caused by the prohibition of alcohol, it was overturned fourteen years later, in 1933, with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment.

When a good is in excess and there is no demand for it, the price is likely to __________.

Correct! Wrong!

According to the law of supply and demand, a product's price will drop dramatically if supply increases while demand decreases. Having an excess refers to having more of something than is required.

When the President rejects a bill offered by Congress, what do you name it?

Correct! Wrong!

The veto is the President's power to refuse to sign a bill or joint resolution and so prevent it from becoming law.

In the years leading up to independence, what was the name of the grant provided by the English King to start a colony in the New World?

Correct! Wrong!

In the years leading up to independence, a charter was a legal document issued by the English King or the British government that provided an individual or corporation the right to found a colony in the New World.

Beginning as a(n) __________, the British East India Company would go on to virtually govern the entire Indian subcontinent.

Correct! Wrong!

Elizabeth I established the English (then British) East India Company in 1600 and granted it a trading monopoly over all trade with the East Indies. The business was a joint venture between a number of investors who pooled their funds and split the earnings, much like a contemporary corporation run by shareholders. A joint stock company is what is used in this scenario.

Who takes over as President in the case that the current one passes away, resigns, becomes unable, or is impeached and found guilty?

Correct! Wrong!

The 25th Amendment explicitly establishes the presidential line of succession and, in the event of a death, resignation, or impeachment, designates the vice president as the legitimate president.

What is the United States' lowest point?

Correct! Wrong!

The lowest point in the United States is Death Valley.

Voting rights for women were granted by the __________ Amendment.

Correct! Wrong!

When many women filled the employment and social positions left vacant by men who were away at war, the women's suffrage campaign gained momentum. The movement's zenith was the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which forbids depriving any citizen of the United States of the right to vote on the grounds of gender. In 1920, the Amendment became law.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects residents in the United States from:

Correct! Wrong!

In the workplace, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects Americans against discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

New York State intends to offer __________ to provide less expensive land and lower taxes for start-up enterprises in order to entice new businesses to come and open in numerous tiny towns in Northern New York.

Correct! Wrong!

An "incentive" is a benefit that a government can provide to a business or a particular type of business to encourage the growth and spread of enterprises in their area (e.g., lower taxes, cheaper land, access to resources or markets, etc.).

What determines the number of members of the House of Representatives per state?

Correct! Wrong!

The population of each state determines the number of members in the House of Representatives.

The head of the Executive Branch is?

Correct! Wrong!

The President of the United States is in charge of the Executive Branch.

A mountain range in eastern North America. Which part of the country is it?

Correct! Wrong!

The Appalachian Mountains, more commonly known as the Appalachians, are a mountain range in eastern North America.

How old at least must you be to vote?

Correct! Wrong!

The 26th Amendment mandated that the minimum voting age in each state be 18 years old. However, the states are free to lower the voting age to (supposedly) any level they choose.

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