FREE NCLB Knowledge Questions and Answers


The following measure of inequality under NCLB ought to be removed by 2014:

Correct! Wrong!

The proportion of schools that failed to make the ""adequate yearly progress"" goals set by NCLB for the 2002–03 the academic year comprised: 

Correct! Wrong!

These widely disparate outcomes can be attributed to a number of factors, including:

Correct! Wrong!

By 2014, NCLB mandates that schools achieve "adequate yearly progress" in equal steps toward achieving 100% competency on state assessments. Nevertheless, testing research indicates that:

Correct! Wrong!

Among the effects of NCLB on classrooms are the following:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following claims regarding money under NCLB is accurate?

Correct! Wrong!

Even on its own limited, test-score parameters, analyses of the expected expenses required to satisfy NCLB objectives have discovered that:

Correct! Wrong!


Regarding the question of whether NCLB is a ""unfunded mandate,"" which of the following statements is true?

Correct! Wrong!

The roughly $130 billion that has been invested in
The Iraqi conflict is: 

Correct! Wrong!

The Children's Defense Fund claims that:

Correct! Wrong!

When parents were asked, "Which of the following five options would you want to receive greater federal funding for your school?"They answered in this way:

Correct! Wrong!

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