FREE Conflict Management Strategies Questions and Answers


Ignoring the issue and failing to take any steps to resolve it

Correct! Wrong!

Not paying attention to the conflict and not taking any action to resolve it is not a recommended approach to conflict resolution. Ignoring a conflict can led to the problem escalating and worsening over time, and can ultimately damage relationships and cause long-term negative consequences. It is important to acknowledge the conflict, communicate openly with the other person, and work towards finding a mutually beneficial solution.

Allowing the other person to resolve their issues while ignoring your own

Correct! Wrong!

Allowing the other party to satisfy their concerns while neglecting your own is a form of conflict resolution called accommodation. While it can be a useful strategy in certain situations, it can also lead to feelings of resentment or dissatisfaction if your own needs are not being met. Effective conflict resolution involves finding a solution that meets the needs of all parties involved.

Making decisions based on formal authority or other sources of power without taking into account the needs of the party with whom you are at odds

Correct! Wrong!

Using formal authority or other power that you possess to satisfy your concerns without regard to the concerns of the party that you are in conflict with is called forcing. This is a conflict resolution style that involves imposing your will or position on the other party without attempting to understand or address their concerns. It can be effective in some situations, such as when time is of the essence or when a decision needs to be made quickly, but it can also damage relationships and lead to resentment and hostility. It is generally recommended to use a collaborative or problem-solving approach to conflict resolution whenever possible.

Attempting to end a dispute by finding a solution that is only partially acceptable to both parties but not entirely acceptable to either

Correct! Wrong!

Attempting to resolve a conflict by identifying a solution that is partially satisfactory to both parties, but completely satisfactory to neither is called a compromise.

Cooperating with the other party to comprehend their worries, as well as communicating your own worries in an effort to come to a mutually beneficial and ideal solution (win-win)

Correct! Wrong!

Cooperating with the other party to understand their concerns and expressing your own concerns in an effort to find a mutually and completely satisfactory solution (win-win) is known as the collaborative style of conflict resolution. It involves working together with the other party to identify the underlying concerns and needs, exploring various options and alternatives, and arriving at a solution that meets the interests of both parties. This style is often considered the most effective and constructive way to resolve conflicts because it fosters communication, understanding, and cooperation between the parties involved.

The forcing conflict management approach should be used when

Correct! Wrong!

The forcing conflict management style should be used only in situations where immediate action is necessary, such as in emergencies where there is a clear danger to people or property. It should not be used in everyday conflicts where a more collaborative approach may be more effective in reaching a mutually satisfactory solution. In general, the forcing style is seen as the least effective and can often lead to negative consequences and damaged relationships.

Which conflict resolution techniques can lead to the most trouble?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

The avoiding style and the forcing style are generally considered to be the conflict management styles that can get you into the most trouble. The avoiding style can lead to unresolved issues, resentment, and a lack of trust, while the forcing style can create resistance, defensiveness, and even retaliation from the other party. It is important to use conflict management styles appropriately and with awareness of the potential consequences.


What exactly is intergroup conflict?

Correct! Wrong!

When groups inside and outside of an organization disagree on different subjects, there is intergroup conflict. Intergroup conflict is when there is disagreement between two groups that are part of the same organization.

What are some advantages of conflict management that are effective?

Correct! Wrong!

It is possible to resolve conflicts in a creative and courteous manner by using conflict management techniques, resources, and abilities. Through good communication techniques like active listening and aggressive speaking, it involves the capacity to resolve disputes in a cooperative manner.

What is the connection between conflict and change?

Correct! Wrong!

Although conflicts and disagreements have a negative reputation, they are always an indication that change is necessary, is on the way, or has already occurred. By adopting a positive attitude and improving these abilities, conflict can be made a bit more manageable.

What are the benefits of conflict management training?

Correct! Wrong!

Numerous alternative dispute resolution techniques, including mediation, facilitation of meetings, negotiation, restorative justice circles, and conferencing, are built on conflict management techniques and tools. Our conflict management training can help you become more conflict-aware and strengthen your ability to deal with interpersonal conflict strategically.

Which important managerial ability involves compromise, creative thinking, and the use of various strategies based on the situation?

Correct! Wrong!

Conflict management is a method used to settle disagreements, reduce undesirable outcomes, and give priority to desirable outcomes.

What are the advantages of effectively handling conflict in a company?

Correct! Wrong!

With conflict managed appropriately, a company may minimize issues, improve client satisfaction, and achieve better business results. Through honest discussions, conflict management done right may improve organizational learning inside a company.

Why is conflict management so vital to a company's success?

Correct! Wrong!

Conflict management abilities are vital because they let people to settle conflicts calmly and responsibly, avoid conflicts from becoming big problems, and may increase employee satisfaction.


When does an accommodating style of dealing with conflicts work best?

Correct! Wrong!

The accommodating conflict management approach works best when you don't care as much about the problem, when fighting it would be pointless, or when you think you could be wrong.

Why could the collaborating conflict management approach not be appropriate in all situations?

Correct! Wrong!

Because it demands time commitment, the cooperating conflict management approach is not appropriate for all types of conflicts. When you have the time to spend to the process, you may utilize it effectively.

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